Honestly two things…

  1. I always felt the Solo movie should been a Lando movie in the first place!

  2. Im hoping this picks up where Solo left off. They set thing up for Mauls return. So I’m hoping we get that story that we missed when they cancelled the sequels.

And 3. Donald Glover is a brilliant writer(if anyone has watched Atlanta would know) so they could totally do a Breaking Bad story set in space! Seeing Lando go from smuggler to ruling Cloud City.

  • flossdaily@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    The quality of ALL shows comes down to the writing. An actor can elevate good writing, but they can’t save bad writing.

    Good writing can make even a terrible premise work (see: Wandavision) just as bad writing can kill a great premise (see: Star Wars sequels).

    I believe Donald Glover has the writing chops to make an amazing show. The premise honestly doesn’t matter. Can they make us care about the characters? Can they make us laugh and cry?

    I’m hopeful here.