Detention Watch Network and The Legal Aid Society are reporting that ICE facilities are taking away one of the few concessions to the fact that people in immigration detention are, in fact, people: free phone access. This access has been one of the most important lifelines people in ICE facilities have to emotional support and legal aid. DWN says, “In a haphazard rollout and without notice, ICE has confirmed it will be ending [free phone access] at all facilities.”

The issue is so important to detainees that people in at least five ICE facilities have gone on hunger strike to draw attention to it. Word from the detainees is that the hunger strikes have been met with brutal retaliation from ICE agents, including beatings.

Here is a toolkit with more information and ways to take action. We will do our best to track and update this story as it unfolds.

(Taken from an email sent to me by Never Again Action.)