Found via: 9:55 AM · Aug 1, 2023

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paper: this study%2C the incidence,two doses of the vaccine.

the paper says eg…

Discussion This prospective investigator-initiated, industry-independent study was performed to test the hypothesis that mRNA-1273 booster vaccination-associated myocardial injury may be more common than currently thought as symptoms may be unspecific, mild or even absent, escaping passive surveillance detecting only hospitalized cases. We report four main findings.

edit: i removed “9.2% affected by 2 shots+booster. textbook myocarditis says 75% fatality in 10 years” from the title, because it is claimed in this interview, but isn’t supported by the Basel study.

  • hmn@lemmy.staphup.nlM
    1 year ago

    The CDC did a study and from that, they claimed the rate was 0.001%, or one out of 100,000. (Source: this study%2C the incidence,two doses of the vaccine. )

    2.8% is a lot higher than 0.001%. Another 0.3% had “probable myocarditis,” putting the total at over 3%. That is 3000 times higher than the US government claimed

    In this small study, nobody had serious complications, but with a myocarditis complication rate of 3%, you would have to expect that giving out hundreds of millions of doses is a pretty risky proposition.

    One oddity was that the rate of myocarditis among the participants was heavily weighted toward women, not men. That could be an artifact of the sample, or it could indicate that women are more likely to get a complication, but the complications are more likely to be serious among men.


  • rtwin@lemmy.staphup.nlOP
    1 year ago

    i found the paper referred to.

    i’m not a pHd or something, but i do see two problems;

    • one misquote in the interview; that study amongst military personnel wasn’t about covid shots;

    A study on US military personnel found subclinical cTnT elevations in 2.87% of 1081 smallpox vaccinated subjects, or a 60-times higher rate than overt clinical cases.32

    • one idiotic incentive stated in the publication (They feared the findings would oppose the govt incentive🤔so they chose to stay ignorant about it !?🤦‍♂️ (and worked out a method without a baseline))

    The following limitations should be considered when interpreting our findings. First, to interfere as little as possible with the motivation of the hospital staff to obtain the mRNA-1273 booster vaccination and its logistics, we restricted the study to blood draws after vaccination. Thus, baseline hs-cTnT values were not available.