claudia_karina2024 & The Vote Socialist campaign is putting socialism on the map!

Thanks to the hard work of thousands of volunteers, the majority of people in this country will see socialism on the ballot this November! Additional official write-in states are still to be announced!

The two-party system makes it incredibly difficult for third party candidates without huge financial resources to access ballots in some states. No matter what status your state is, we encourage supporters to get involved and help build the movement for a future by and for the people beyond the ballot box!

Whether you can donate your money your time, or both - we need your help.

Visit to learn how you can get involved!

    • Cowbee [he/him]
      17 days ago

      How in good conscience can anyone vote for a candidate who’s mathematical chance of winning is so abysmally low in an election of such massive importance?

      1. Democrats are committing genocide and Harris has indicated that she will continue to commit genocide

      2. Getting over 5% of the vote gives PSL funding

      3. A large increase in Leftist voting signals to the DNC that they can’t get away with genocide

      4. Socialist parties participating in bourgeois elections is more to show an alternative and how the system itself doesn’t allow change, hence Revolution is required anyways

      5. This election is the same as every other election, the Dems and Reps will always say it is the “most important of our lives” to emphasize the importance of voting instead of risking revolutionary pressure from building

      I support socialist policies and hate FPTP voting, but we need to face reality here: The socialist candidate isn’t going to win. What’s more, if Trump is allowed to win this election, then the chance of socialist policies ever being enacted in the US drops from nearly zero to actually zero.

      You can’t enact “Socialist policies” in the US Empire, the state is controlled thoroughly by Monopoly Capitalism, aka Imperialism.

      Additionally, getting elected will not be what gives Trump the ability to take away the right to vote. If Trump actually has the power to take away the right to vote, then he can do so even if he loses, he tried and failed to do so in 2020 and is weaker than ever. Even if he did take away the right to vote, that doesn’t change the chances of Socialism, because Socialism requires Revolution anyways.

      So fuck off with this “Democrats hate democracy” and “Harris is just as bad” shit. No they don’t, no she’s not, and if you still want to be able to vote at all in 2028 you need to suck up your pride and vote blue.

      You do hate democracy, you’re telling Leftists to suck up their pride and vote for the right-wingers actively committing genocide. America isn’t a democracy to begin with.

      • Cowbee [he/him]
        17 days ago

        Here’s PSL’s statement on Russia and Ukraine.

        An excerpt:

        While we do not support the Russian invasion, we reserve our strongest condemnation for the U.S. government, which rejected Russia’s legitimate security concerns in the region with total intransigence that they knew could provoke such a war. This is the consequence of decades of U.S.-NATO bullying and humiliating Russia. The Party for Socialism and Liberation demands that the U.S. government and its allies in the imperialist NATO military alliance immediately cease their provocative behavior designed to escalate the crisis and provide security guarantees that can be the foundation for the restoration of peace — the cornerstone of which must be a pledge to end NATO expansion. This is what can bring relief to the people of Ukraine.

        Standard leftist take.