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The original was posted on /r/hfy by /u/Proximal_Flame on 2024-09-27 19:27:18+00:00.

This month’s last update is a return to some more of The Last Angel, once again an Interrupt to show how things developed on Nibiru, from mission start to present day. In this update, we are a generation or two beyond Samuel Strickmore’s discovery on Samhain. The Great Reformation has begun, with the savagery and violence of a post-apocalyptic Nibiru giving way to civilization once more.

But the unexpectedly resurgent government and the changes they’re bringing haven’t gone unnoticed and some, even those once loyal to the regime, are questioning their faith…

Below is a snippet from this chapter, where one of those people goes in search of the source of all these blessings. For the full story and the rest of the entry, check out the links above and enjoy!


He couldn’t see enough of it to know what it was – a ship, a base, a colony or some gargantuan artefact – but it was vast beyond belief,and what he could see turned his soul to ice.Moored to the stone walls by spars and braces that extended from its sides and sunk into the rock face around it like anchors, it extended beyond the paltry realm of light that the floodlights along the gantry created, vanishing both above and below his field of vision into darkness. He might have known that what lay here was alien, but to see it for himself made its inhumanity truly apparent.

Its exterior was an inky black that matched the shadows of this sunless chamber, broken by up veins of green, like strangely-coloured marble that gave it a profane regality, like the corpse of some ancient monarch, their desiccated flesh still draped in resplendent finery. The angles of its outside surface, the slope of its tapering, towering, form were all wrong, its shape subtly askew in ways that a human mind would not have designed. It was grand. Monumental. Overwhelming. Horrifying and truly, inescapably alien.

A hundred meters or more away, an archway was illuminated. The doorway Eklund and so many others had entered, only to emerge different. Now,it wa shis own destination,there to bring him to whatever intelligence or being lay within that colossal form where judgment for one or both of them would follow.

Other than those beckoning doors, the gargantuan construct’s most glaring feature was the snaking scar that crossed through the illuminated section, a ruinous excrescency that vanished into the lightlessness beyond. At its most narrow point, it was over half a dozen meters across. Kevin couldn’t guess how large it truly was or how deep it sunk into that inhuman form, but the hull directly next to it looked cleaner and newer, as if the alien edifice had been healing. Smaller winding lesions splintered off from the primary injury, like crackling arcs of energy had snapped and writhed across the great relic’s surface. Many of them were little more than cosmetic imperfections, but others were significantly larger. Like the wound they branched from, they also appeared to slowly repairing themselves.

Given how long it had lay here, Kevin couldn’t imagine how severe the damage must have originally been. If the whole chamber were lit, he suspected he would see other evidence of injury across the hidden behemoth, and the cold knot in his guts throbbed with new fear. Just as the Prophet’s teachings spoke of a higher power that he sought to bring humanity closer to, so too had he warned his followers. Not just of greedy, tyrannical governments, murderous criminals, heretics and vile aliens, but of things far darker than any of those. Theyōkai. The Hunger Among The Stars. Was that what he was looking upon now, the handiwork of demons and monsters? Was he in the wrong?

Doubts began to fill his head and he paused in his step.

Do you see? Kelile asked as if he could sense his friend’s hesitations, his voice once again disturbingly close.Do you see now, Kevin? There’s nothing to be afraid of. She welcomes you, just as she did us.


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