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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/hollsmm on 2024-09-30 23:53:27+00:00.

I just started working a full time 9-5 in-person office job. I’ts only been 3 weeks and I’m already burnt out and contemplating my life… This is my first time working a full time 9-5 in office every day job. HOW DO PEOPLE DO THIS. It’s literally hell on earth.

I have NO TIME or ENERGY to do anything after work. It’s extremely depressing. Especially because I’m the type of person who has a lot of hobbies and aspirations and this is leaving me with no time to work on them. Not to mention working out like… sitting 8 hours every day is horrible for your health. I also CANNOT stare at a screen 8 hours a day. I feel like Im going to explode.

Ive been making a huge effort to prioritize my sleep and not be late since starting this job. So i get a full 8-9 hours of sleep which I NEED to function at full capacity. But that leaves me with 3-4 hours after work for myself. Which is spent trying to be a responsible adult by cooking dinner, eating, cleaning up, school work, idk MY OWN LIFE SHIT… like theres no time to relax or work on my goals.

A human being cannot be in GO MODE 12 hours straight 5 days a week. Somethings got to give. I already struggle with adhd. Now my job is taking all of my brain power and time. I don’t even make that much money. It’d be one thing If i had enough money to make up for it but NO i’m still pinching pennies just to eat.

I know this is the vast majority of peoples situation rn or worse. And I know im lucky to even have a job rn bcus I needed the money but… its just so insane.

I already want to quit and live in a shack.

Am I insane? Or is this system insane?