So exercise your right to require the FBI have a warrant, and you will be shot by an army of FBI agents is a surprise raid at an hour nobody with good intentions normally comes to your house.

Bunch said he heard authorities knock on Robertson’s door the day before the raid, but he turned them away because they didn’t have a warrant.

“I don’t think he was even given a chance to even see a warrant when they went in and raided his house,” Bunch said.

This does not excuse the social media comments about shooting politicians, but this response was clearly inappropriate. The FBI themselves had already proven they could safely knock on his door at a respectable hour.

    1 year ago

    I agree, dude was stupid to say those things on social media right before the President visit. But the feds straight up murder this dude. The fact that they came to the house a day before without a warrant and where still able to talk to the guy with no issues. Other than the dude request to see a warrant. Shows that when they came back with a warrant they wanted to show him who was really in control. Sick power hungry police state a**holes.