Copy of post I made to r/geologycareers – for posterity

Speaking unofficially: I’m a mod and long time user of r/geologycareers. It’s one of my favourite corners on Reddit. I love this community, and have nothing but the utmost regard for my fellow mods.

If this reddit protest, and reddit’s response are bumming you out and you’re thinking of bailing, may I gently suggest one of the federated networks., Mastadon, Lemmy, or similar.

I’ve personally set up on and initiated geoscience communities there. They’re about as quiet as you’d expect – the equivalent of a brand new subreddit. But, if you’d like to grow a similar community feel on another network, come find me. Either directly on, or from any of the federated networks.[email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected]

I’ve been through this before. Dialup BBS->Usenet->Slashdot->Digg->Reddit. Each time you transition a community, it takes a while to rebuild the feel.

In the meantime, I’ll still do my mod duties here. After all, the community is why I’m here. Just inflating a lifeboat. :)