Programmet Àr tillgÀngligt för US-invÄnare över 18 Är.

Jag postar det hÀr i /c/chatt (missat tillfÀlle för /c/hatt) eftersom diskussioner om Reddit Àr snarare skvaller Àn nyheter.

  • Andreas@feddit.nuOP
    1 year ago

    Reddit: “Vi mĂ„ste spara pĂ„ utgifterna och stĂ€nga ned de giriga tredjepartsklienterna som utnyttjar vĂ„rt API”

    OcksĂ„ Reddit: “Vi ska betala anvĂ€ndare för det de gjorde gratis för oss i 18 Ă„r”

    Jag gillar ocksÄ förslaget att Lemmy/Kbin-anvÀndare ska sÀtta upp repostbottar pÄ Reddit, dra till sig uppröster och utmÀrkelser, fÄ pengar frÄn Reddit och finansiera Lemmy/Kbin-instanser med inkomsten.

    1 year ago

    Mjo, som nÀmnts i de flesta diskussioner jag sett kring detta sÄ kan jag inte se hur detta pÄ nÄgot sÀtt kan leda till annat Àn ett sÀmre diskussionsklimat. Det Àr ju en aktiv förstÀrkning av redan existerande incitament att bara skriva sÄdant en majoritet gillar.

    • Andreas@feddit.nuOP
      1 year ago

      Reddit har redan tillrÀckligt med problem med karmabottar nÀr belöningen Àr meningslösa internetpoÀng (vinster frÄn kontoförsÀljning ej inrÀknad). Om det Àr pengar som stÄr pÄ spel ser jag en helt botstyrd diskussionsklimat i Reddits framtid, liksom hur sökresultaterna pÄ Google Àr SEO-optimerade botartiklar.

      Det Ă€r trĂ„kigt att sociala medier frĂ€mjar “gör din online-aktivitet till ett jobb” som leder till alltför mer innehĂ„ll som skapas för inget annat syfte Ă€n att tjĂ€na pengar.

      • dennisnedry@feddit.nuM
        1 year ago

        PÄ kort sikt sÄ tror jag inte att reddit bryr sig om kvaliten pÄ deras post dÄ kvantiteten Àr viktigare för alla API-anrop och sökresultat. Men som du sÀger sÄ kommer dom fÄ problem pÄ lÄng sikt.

  • Andreas@feddit.nuOP
    1 year ago

    AnvÀnder den hÀr som Reddit-megatrÄd sÄ gemenskapen inte blir spammad av Reddit.

    2023-07-13: Reddit meddelar nedlÀggningen av utmÀrkelser och Reddit Coins. FrÄn och med idag Àr köp av Reddit Coins otillgÀngligt, men befintliga utmÀrkelser och Reddit Coins kan anvÀndas fram tills den 12:e september.

    NÄgon i en av Reddit-trÄdarna la mÀrke till ett utbetalningsprogram som under 2021 testats pÄ ett fÄtal kryptosubreddits och /r/Fortnite, innan Reddit tyst övergav det. De utvalda subredditerna fick varsin Ethereum-blockkedja och finansierades med medlemmarnas köp och sÀlj av tokens. En moderator hÀvdats att ha tjÀnat US$10,000 pÄ programmet.

    Reddits officiella meddelande

    Hi all,

    I’m u/venkman01 from the Reddit product team, and I’m here to give everyone an early look at the future of how redditors award (and reward) each other.

    TL;DR: We are reworking how great content and contributions are rewarded on Reddit. As part of this, we made a decision to sunset coins (including Community coins for moderators) and awards (including Medals, Premium Awards, and Community Awards), which also impacts some existing Reddit Premium perks. Starting today, you will no longer be able to purchase new coins, but all awards and existing coins will continue to be available until September 12, 2023.

    Many eons ago, Reddit introduced something called Reddit Gold. Gold then evolved, and we introduced new awards including Reddit Silver, Platinum, Ternium, and Argentium. And the evolution continued from there. While we saw many of the awards used as a fun way to recognize contributions from your fellow redditors, looking back at those eons, we also saw consistent feedback on awards as a whole. First, many don’t appreciate the clutter from awards (50+ awards right now, but who’s counting?) and all the steps that go into actually awarding content. Second, redditors want awarded content to be more valuable to the recipient.

    It’s become clear that awards and coins as they exist today need to be re-thought, and the existing system sunsetted. Rewarding content and contribution (as well as something golden) will still be a core part of Reddit. We’ll share more in the coming months as to what this new future looks like.

    On a personal note: in my several years at Reddit, I’ve been focused on how to help redditors be able to express themselves in fun ways and feel joy when their content is celebrated. I led the product launch on awards – if you happen to recognize the username – so this is a particularly tough moment for me as we wind these products down. At the same time, I’m excited for us to evolve our thinking on rewarding contributions to make it more valuable to the community.

    Why are we making these changes?

    We mentioned early this year that we want to both make Reddit simpler and a place where the community empowers the community more directly.

    With simplification in mind, we’re moving away from the 50+ awards available today. Though the breadth of awards have had mixed reception, we’ve also seen them - be it a local subreddit meme or the “Press F” award - be embraced. And we know that many redditors want to be able to recognize high quality content.

    Which is why rewarding good content will still be part of Reddit. Though we’d love to reveal more to you all now, we’re in the process of early testing and feedback, so aren’t ready to share official details just yet. Stay tuned for future posts on this!

    What’s changing exactly?

    Awards - Awards (including Medals, Premium Awards, and Community Awards) will no longer be available after September 12.

    Reddit Coins - Coins will be deprecated, since Awards will be going away. Starting today, you’ll no longer be able to purchase coins, but you can use your remaining coins to gift awards by September 12.

    Reddit Premium - Reddit Premium is not going away. However, after September 12, we will discontinue the monthly coin drip and Premium Awards. Other current Premium perks will still exist, including the ad-free experience.

    Note: As indicated in our User Agreement past purchases are non-refundable. If you’re a Premium user and would like to cancel your subscription before these changes go into effect, you can find instructions here.

    What comes next?

    In the coming months, we’ll be sharing more about a new direction for awarding that allows redditors to empower one another and create more meaningful ways to reward high-quality contributions on Reddit.

    I’ll be around for a while to answer any questions you may have and hear any feedback!

    • dennisnedry@feddit.nuM
      1 year ago

      Tack för uppdateringen! Jag tvivlar pÄ att det hÀr kommer att sluta lyckligt.

  • dennisnedry@feddit.nuM
    1 year ago

    [20.07.2023] Jag tÀnkte dela med mig av nya uppdateringar med vad som hÀnder pÄ reddit för tillfÀllet:

    Reddit startar r/place igen

    Reddit admin försöker skapa diskussioner med deras mods

    Spontant kÀnns det som halvhjÀrtade försök till att inte bara försöka ignorera det som har hÀnt, utan Àven försöka fÄ anvÀndarna att glömma vad som har hÀnt.