C. (/edit, I totally read ‘rate my first fork’… 🤷)
White moved themselves into a fork (and one where they are being attacked by two pieces each).
A fork is supposed to be created by your move forcing the opponent to choose which piece they loose. This is just your opponent letting you choose which of their pieces you’d like to have and giving up their own material pointlessly.
Taking the anarchy out of the anarchychess, that must deserve some pipi in your pampers
more importantly it’s mate in 1 and black had all day to prevent it
Some people would argue that Rxg7 would be a better choice but these are snobs that can’t appreciate a good fork. Well done!
May I ask if there was anything happening that could justify this move? Why not Re8? Anyway, good fork.
The third rule of the chess club is do not kill your enemy if you don’t have to. It’s better to humiliate them.
Well played! Once the knight take one of your rooks, the other will no longer be under threat.
Yes, and if the knight takes the wrong rook, it will threaten their own queen
Laughed out loud at this.Re8 would be mate and now you’ve blundered mate (e1=Q after knight takes starts a forced checkmate) but nice fork
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Actually I’ve been here a while, but mostly for itszednotzee’s game.