Note: This is an app version update, so will be available approx 23 hours from the time of this post, and new content will be available immediately after updating, though summon banners won’t be active until 24 hours from the time of this post. Make sure you have data, storage and time for the update before downloading.


  • Mythos: Song of Sword and Wings of Lost Paradise Subquest - The Road to Mokepontas! available from the Winged People’s Village
  • ES Thillelille Sacrament will be available, with Moke Sidekick and can be Stellar Awakened.
  • New boss rush courses Trial of Those Embracing Emptiness regular and Extreme added.
  • Guiding Light/Luring Shadow paid packs added for a limited time.


  • Whisper of Time Token and Whisper of Time Drop campaign, from 16 Jan - 16 Feb (up to 10 Whisper of Time tokens, culminating in a 5* guaranteed Whisper of Time Drop summon)
  • Whisper of Time Token will give a free 10x summon daily up to the maximum 10 tokens, rather than just being the usual single summon.
  • Achievement reward for starting The Road to Mokepontas increased from 10 Chronos Stones to 100 Chronos Stones.

Next projected update 26th Jan, the end of clairvoyance (yay!), global anniversary and catch up with Japan!