• 3 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2024

  • I give it max 5 rounds before the front of the tripod dislodges from the window sill and either falls forward out the window or backward.

    Assuming the window is not somehow fused into being one with gun.

    Then I guess it would be around 5 rounds before also the window shatters?

    Also the ladder would collide with the grips on the m2 for what seems like a lot of otherwise useable firing angles.

  • Every single GTA V or RDR2 centric discord I have ever been on is full of people who use the vernacular I described, to the point they will mock and then ban you for questioning it, as if theyve always been right.

    Its possible I’ve just had extremely bad luck.

    Its also possible that these people are primarily console players who just got computers to play only Rockstar games, I guess if you had 0 experience with PC gaming and 100% with consoles, it could explain only hearing the term modding as something illegal or cheating.

    Or it could be along the lines that you’ve said: Younger generations just read official documentation and have near 0 knowledge of anything that came before?

  • sigh

    that is entirely possible.

    wouldnt be the first time a totally contextually misunderstood term was more or less accidentally appropriated to have some new meaning, making its widespread adoption and widespread lack of its contextual origination even more infuriating.

    This is kind of but not really similar:

    What in the fuck is up with the PC GTA/RDR community using the term ‘mod’ incorrectly?

    In every other context of video gaming ever, a mod is something that adds or changes a single player game, or a modded multiplayer game basically includes the server set of mods that all behave equally for all players.

    But in Rockstar Online communities, modding means to be using a cheat engine. Something like what would be called hacks or aimbots or teleporting yourself or others or spawning anything on command, some other kind of client side exploitation software.

    I have no idea how this happened or is the norm.

    In any other game ever, a ‘modded’ server would mean oh we tweaked some global vars and we added these weapons and this vehicle and this new mechanic.

    In Rockstar games a modded server is not a term that makes sense to these people because modding is cheating and only players can run mods… even though you can absolutely run an emulated private server through RedM/FiveM, and you can absolutely (and basically have to) run server side mods (as a barebones setup will be lacking MANY core and ancillary gameplay functions).

    It fucking baffles me.

  • I mean, I agree with you that most military leaders and soldiers would not do this.

    But your own example kind of shows the likely strategy:

    What did Hitler do? What did Stalin do?

    Fire or banish or kill enough leaders until you get ones that will listen to you, and re orient your troop pools so that you have a decent number of whole units that are ideologically aligned and thus likely to comply.

    Trump’s entire modus operandi, now crystalized in extreme detail with Project 2025, has been figure out a way to replace everyone who is not an ideologically aligned stooge willing to literally break existing laws to carry out the whims of the God Emperor, at literally every level of government.

    I obviously cannot know that this would be successful or in what timeframe.

    I can only look to history for many examples of similar things occuring, and see more and more checked boxes making this more likely.

    I’m sure the militaries of many other coup’d countries are told not to follow illegal orders, and I’m also sure that many in our modern military and time would resist, perhaps even violently as Stauffenberg did.

    But the trend is looking astonishingly bad.

  • Hypothetical and rhetorical questions designed to evoke contemplative but reasoned thought, or absurd hilarities, or a plausible future scenario are one thing.

    Its completely different when its an absurd loyalty bullshit test that only has wrong answers.

    Answer with loyalty to the point that it endangers your own life?

    Ok, status quo.

    Answer reasonably, or ask why such ridiculous questions are being asked?

    Anger, grief, ammo to use in future arguments.

    This scenario was extremely and needlessly combative on the female partner’s part.

    Even if this person was legitimately traumatized by past or recent events, that does not make her behavior acceptable.

  • So, fair warning, I am autistic, but also, I’ve had several multi year relationships with people of differing similarities to this person, here’s my read of this:

    This is extremely manipulative and abusive behavior toward you.

    You forgot about a text after a hard day of work.

    She got angry and refused to speak with you for hours because you missed a text.

    And you say this is apparently normal behavior.

    That is fucking absurd, to be frank.

    Before any of the rest of the story, that alone is bonkers.

    Just do the reverse situation in your head. You’re out late for some on location work event, text her and ask if she can be there when you get back home. She forgets.

    Would you be so angry or disappointed that you would refuse to speak to her for 3 hours, would that be something she would accept as normal behavior from you, and would she be inclined to blame herself and totally accept this punishment from you as appropriate?

    The rest of this story is she wakes you up in the middle and questions you with absurd nonsensical questions that are all specifically designed as loyalty tests.

    I had a 3 year relationship with a person like this.

    She was schizophrenic, massively physically, mentally and emotionally abusive toward me.

    I am of course not going to say your partner is schizophrenic based off of this alone, I am just saying that reading your story immediately sent me back into the mindstate and memories of my own.

    It is however clear to me that your acceptance of this kind of behavior as normal, up until the middle of the night nonsense questioning, to me this indicates that she is utterly dominating you into total submission, and you think this is normal.

    It is not.

    Fucking bail out immediately is what I would do.

    It is completely absurd to think that she could somehow have been kidnapped in the 30 seconds between getting out of an uber and walking to your door.

    If she actually believed she was in real danger of being kidnapped, she almost certainly would have told you why, and would have asked you to evaluate her why and what to do to prevent it.

    Shes fucking grooming you when she guilt trips you into saying you’d murder someone on her account in a totally hypothetical situation that she is taking extremely seriously.

    She is trying to make you feel extremely guilty for things that 1) are not and would not be your fault if they occured and 2) have almost 0 chance of actually occurring.

    Maybe there is a 1% chance she will open up later and tell you, wow ok, i was really on edge last night, here is why: and then recount an actual, unlikely but possible extremely unnerving situation.

    Or, she is cheating on you or has done something you would be greatly displeased with if you found out, and this is all a reflection/distraction technique. She felt guilty so she leaped at any chance to make you into the bad guy.

    Again, I obviously cannot say with any certainty that is what is actually going on, but I can certainly say that she is a highly manipulative and abusive person if you find it normal for her to just completely give you the silent treatment for hours for an inconsequential error.

  • I am 100% certain the people that came up with Omega picked Omega due to ‘Alpha and Omega’.

    I posted a big blurb on this elsewhere in the thread but basically, Gamma Delta and Omega all were introduced after Alpha and Beta was seen as too simplistic.

    At the time, Omegas were meant to be… even more manly than Alphas because they didn’t give a fuck.

    The be all, end all, of male archetypes.

    This did not work as the power creep continued with Sigmas.

    At this point I await the addition of Tau Psi Rho and Epsilon males. Basically because any of those greek letters sound cooler than ‘Zeta’.

  • So, to my knowledge, here is how this went.

    They took the disproven wolf analogy literally and resulted in Alphas and Betas.

    Alphas are basically confident, attractive, and charismatic. Alphas get and say what they want.

    Betas basically lack at least 2 of these attributes. Betas were also initially ‘nice guys’ before that term got memed into oblivion, ie, they would be negotiable, willing to accept compromise.

    Basically Alphas are bad boy / jocks and Betas are shy but polite nerds.

    And for a while this permeated.

    At some point, the communities using these terms more or less realized they were nearly all, in actuality, Betas.

    Then, Gamma Delta and Omega all came about in roughly the same time, and the system was reworked.

    Alpha: Confident Successful Leader

    Beta: Cooperative Loyal Subservient

    Gamma: More Confident than Alphas, but doesn’t care to lead groups, therefore is aloof / adventurous.

    Delta: Basically ‘Enlightened Loner’. Someone who isn’t interested in much socializing and has little or no outward personal connections. (Basically a nice way of framing being a NEET or hikikomori, a cope)

    Omega: Someone who is so above all this nonsense they don’t give a fuck, because they are so smart and successful without anyone’s help.

    Next we got Sigmas: Somehow even more OP than Omegas, Sigma males are intelligent, capable of manipulating any social hierarchy to their own ends, capable of doing basically anything but they are so cool they just do that shit when they feel like it and then vanish when bored. Almost every video about a Sigma Male will show John Wick.

    As you say, sigmas came about within around 6 months of the term incel and incel communities / identity becoming decently established in internet culture. So yeah, this is an even harder cope than Deltas, as theyre now all acting like they could absolutely do x if I wanted to, I just don’t feel like it.

    Finally we now apparently have Zetas.

    Zetas are apparently somehow even more OP than Sigmas, being a kind of hybrid of Alphas and Sigmas. Its something like… I am a highly conventionally successful person and am very skilled and talented and clever but whoo boy do I get tired of social interactions some times.

    (In reality, this is basically anyone who has held down a decent job for a few years and is quite egotistical, but not constantly assertive or boastful).

    Zetas are fairly new and still being actively reworked.

    I think the idea of a Zeta Male can best be explained by the number of previously but no longer successful tech bros being laid off or fired ot divorced recently.

    So basically its TechLead and people like him doing fanfiction of themselves.

    So… Alphas, Betas and Zetas are very social. Deltas are not, Sigmas and Gammas are social occasionally and Omegas hate socializing but do it anyway.

    Basically this shit reads like someone who has only watched action movies attempting to develop character archetypes, and that is largely because so much of this just is directly based off of action movies from the 80s onward and boys and men trying to find their favorite analogues.

  • Its wild to me that there is general knowledge of the term ‘Boogaloo Boys’, but … even amongst left wingers who purport to study the movement … somehow very few people seem to actually know its origin, which is of course a stupid 4chan joke turned into a meme taken waaaaay too seriously.

    Its literally just the (thing happening again): Electric Boogaloo joke, in this case the recurring thing being ‘Civil War’.

    Which itself is a joke that is based on a laughably bad and obscure movie from 1984, Breakin’2: Electric Boogaloo, a sequel to a movie about break dancing.

    I remember just casually being able to use (thing 2): Electric Boogaloo as a joke amongst other nerds for any topic a decade ago, and now you can’t say Boogaloo because edgelords decided to actually try it so if you use the term around a ‘political’ zoomer or alpha, they think youre a terrorist.