Python script with docker build to edit and then delete all comments, and delete all posts - GitHub - lazynooblet/reddit-nuke: Python script with docker build to edit and then delete all comments, ...
Maybe it was a “spur of the moment” thing, your argument gives me pause, but the damage is done. I used the project mainly to learn python/docker, both of which I’m new at, and it was fun making it in the process :)
It started out as a run-once, that’ll be it thing, but then I noticed Reddit restoring my comments, so I ran it again, the restoring continued. Now its a matter of principal. If I don’t want my cat pictures and internet arguments on Reddit, then they will damn well not be on Reddit!
Maybe it was a “spur of the moment” thing, your argument gives me pause, but the damage is done. I used the project mainly to learn python/docker, both of which I’m new at, and it was fun making it in the process :)
It started out as a run-once, that’ll be it thing, but then I noticed Reddit restoring my comments, so I ran it again, the restoring continued. Now its a matter of principal. If I don’t want my cat pictures and internet arguments on Reddit, then they will damn well not be on Reddit!