PubKit is a spinoff project from Pixelfed, and is used by the project’s lead developer to actually develop Pixelfed. It has some pretty great ideas about mocking up entities and data, testing data streams, and working with different server implementations to see where pieces might differ.

  • @sabreW4K3
    272 months ago

    Dansup puts in some tremendous work for the fediverse. Hats off to him. I hope he’s not stretching himself too thin though.

    • cabbage
      132 months ago

      At least he seems to be enjoying it, embracing the creative process and developing whatever he’s interested in. Seems like a pretty healthy approach.

    • @[email protected]
      62 months ago

      It’s funny when people mention they are worried I’ll burn out, probably not realizing I take every second day off.

      Do you know how much Drag Race, Real Housewives and Desperate Housewives I’ve been forced to watch with my partner lately??

      If anything, I’m burnt out from reality tv shows (except Drag Race, Nymphia + The Grande Dame are my top favs)

      For real though, balance is important and I’m the last dev you have to worry about burning out ❤️