I live close to St Louis. I am risking much by saying so but it is important.

3 years ago, the woke mob wanted to tear down the St Louis Statue. It is the one of him on a horse all proud and majestic. Catholics and some protestants too stood up to the crowd and the statue still stands. Catholics, arm in arm patiently explaining about the life of St Louis. It is quite remarkable, he is worthy to be called a saint for sure.

Because Christians took a peaceful stand, the statue still stands unharmed. But that is not all.

I got the chance to meet with a small group Saturday night that still meet at the statue and pray. We all prayed a Rosary together most on their knees. They have been doing this for 3 years.

Satan lost that battle. The statue of a holy man still stands and now there is public prayer and devotion every week for people to see. He wanted our namesake thrown into the dustbin of history. Now there are people publicly calling for God’s protection and expressing love to God.

Seeing the Christian faith lived is very attractive to people who are seeking a way out of the insanity of this world. When demonic screeching is met with patient and loving prayer, those seeking peace will eventually join. IMHO the Rosary is the best way to express your faith in public, but I admit my biases.

Symbols are important. If they weren’t important, the woke mob wouldn’t try and tear them down.

  • Lovstuhagen@exploding-heads.comM
    1 year ago

    I actually remember all this - I remember E. Michael Jones also providing some commentary on this and observing that the most important aspect of this was to stand together under the religous banner, not the religious one, and talk about it in the context of the Christians standing for their Saint, and not in the context of black versus white or contemporary American political identites.

    I found that to be important & relevant, even though EMJ certainly has his share of controversial views. ^^

    Very proud to know you and if I am ever in the STL area I will let you know.