Lovely video by comrade Hakim

    2 years ago

    Good video; this is the best critique that I have seen of him. I myself suspect that he was a utopian socialist for a (very brief) period in his life before becoming an ex‐socialist, which is not that unusual of a development among reactionaries. See Karl Popper, & alii.

    “All I knew was that I was stuck between my hatred of the empire I served and my rage against the evil‐spirited little beasts who tried to make my job impossible.”

    Damn, he was both‐sidesing in life earlier than I thought.

      2 years ago

      liberals are a homogeneous ideology, especially in countries outside the capitalist center, they are more an indoctrination than an organic ideology

        2 years ago

        Even with the recent disaster in Ohio which even western liberals would try to avoid, Chinese liberals are trying to dig up all accidents that happened in the PRC to defend the US response to it lol.

        Many of the more well hidden ones exposed themselves as fascist sympathisers proclaiming their full support for the NATO US sponsored nazi forces.

    2 years ago

    A rapist, a snitch, a plagiarist, and a racist walk into a bar…

    Orwell was a terrible human being. And not really a socialist/communist, just a little englander. He’d be a member of UKIP/A brexiteer if he was alive today. And he ratted out other socialist to british intelligence.

    I’ve posted this before, looks a good time to do it again. Sorry for the formatting:

    “I’m inclined to choose the dull, obvious explanation for this odd silence: the man was a reactionary, Imperialist racist.”

    “So once again, let’s invite the obvious: Orwell is lying when he calls himself a socialist. And again, once the possibility is admitted, the evidence piles up. Read Orwell’s correspondence with poor Victor Gollancz over Wigan Pier and you see the stolid, loyal Gollancz trying desperately to understand why his star writer spent so much time vilifying his fellow socialists in a book commissioned by them. Read that exchange and you’ll never buy Orwell’s version of himself as simple, honest man. He’s the Satanic diva, pushing Gollancz into objections which allow Orwell to play the lone, misunderstood hero.”

    “Here we get class snobbery mixed with religious bigotry: Orwell’s objection to the prevailing brand of Catholic-baiting is that it’s crude, mob hate, not the sleek variant he wants. Note too the sentimental exemption for the dear old Church of England, which never hurt anybody except for a few million Irish Catholics…There’s something about Catholics that sets off a chain of atavistic old-maid responses in Orwell, as here, when he jumps from exulting in his chance to smear the bloody Papists to maundering about his garden. This guy is seriously creepy, like Miss Marple if she lived in the Shankill Road”"

    “And that’s Orwell: a maze of lies, maintained with adult skill and considerable talent, in the service of the most tawdry middle-class prejudices.”

      2 years ago

      A racist, a snitch, a plagiarist, and a rapist walk into a bar…

      The bartender asks, “Hello Mr. Orwell, how’s the new book coming along?”