Hi, I wanted to ask about the police here. I tried to ask for help yesterday, when we wanted to report a thief. I had to call 114 multiple times, because they were busy and asked me to call back… the third time when they asked me to call back again, I told them I’ve been told the same twice before. So they finally talk with me, and tell me they can’t do anything, because we didn’t see the person actually stealing & I have to report it online. We had the thief nearby for the whole time I tried to get a hold of them, but nothing.
I am from Eastern-Europe, where police gets paid less and isn’t as praised as here, but when I want to report something, they immediately do the paperwork and try to help. Why is it so different here? Do I really pay this high amount of tax to be told to report stuff online? Which, by the time I get home and get to sit down in front of my computer to actually report it, is a lost cause.
I am really not sure and been wondering, because this was my first experience here with police, and it was a bit upsetting. Especially the part when they ask me to call back, not even once haha.
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The original was posted on /r/denmark by /u/tinasdf at 2023-07-26 08:20:47+00:00.
EdderkopAEderkrop at 2023-07-26 08:22:57+00:00 ID:
The Danish police don’t give a fuck about theft.
KastvaekBetjent at 2023-07-26 10:22:07+00:00 ID:
Bold statement and of course not true at all. When the thief is gone it’s just not as urgent as other tasks. Could it be better? Yes! But in the end it’s a political matter and a question of prioritizing resources.
To OP: If you witnessed the thief in the act and him in sight, you should’ve dialed 112 instead of 114, and the police would’ve acted more urgently. Catching a thief in the act is highly prioritized.
MazarXxX at 2023-07-26 10:38:31+00:00 ID:
My friend was robbed by gunpoint In Odense. He was forced to go to 4 different ATMs to withdraw all his money for them.
When he reported it and gave the police the route they went, they responded with “what do you want us to do about it”
The police didn’t care … they didn’t even wanted to get video evidence from the banks they vent by.
Bukseben at 2023-07-26 11:58:05+00:00 ID:
Unbelievable to be honest.
ingenkopaaisen at 2023-07-26 11:03:08+00:00 ID:
Bloody hell. That’s pretty shocking for your friend, and then the behaviour of the police. It is negligence, imo. That should have been a priority to check cctv footage. Your friend can actually report those police I believe.
Gold-Beach-1616 at 2023-07-26 11:44:35+00:00 ID:
If this is true, youf friend should file a complaint. That is completely inacceptable.
Spitting_the_truths at 2023-07-26 12:01:43+00:00 ID:
Yea i am calling a fat lie on this one, if there are people robbing with guns, the police will investigate it!
lawerdie at 2023-07-26 12:42:05+00:00 ID:
It’s hard to admit that something doesn’t work right in Denmark, isn’t it? Police is pretty much useless in here
Bukseben at 2023-07-26 13:59:18+00:00 ID:
There is enough wrong with how the police works in Denmark, that we don’t need blatant lies.
No way in hell did someone call in a robbery by gunpoint, just to have the cops shrug them off.
Dude lied, get over it.
Fysiksven at 2023-07-26 12:39:18+00:00 ID:
Yeah robbery is a big no no and is handled very different than theft. Other cases like this leads to multiple years in jail for the offender, while simple theft is more a slap on the wrist.
If you want to be a criminal in Denmark dont do robberies.
Cunn1ng-Stuntz at 2023-07-26 14:58:22+00:00 ID:
Either you are lying or your friend is lying to you.
Also, guessing this friend of yours would like some kind of financial reimbursement, he would need proof that he had reported a crime, and that a case have been opened. Source: I used to work as a consultant on insurance fraud and white collar crime in general.
KastvaekBetjent at 2023-07-26 14:36:46+00:00 ID:
There is absolutely no possible way that this is a true story :-)
Reporting such an event is strictly governed by the chief of duty in dispatch assured through templates and next-in-line protocols :-)
The chief of duty is notified as soon as it’s reported (in opposition to other “smaller” tasks), and is therefore accountable by default.
KoldKartoffelsalat at 2023-07-26 09:14:57+00:00 ID:
Unless you actually catch the thief.
But yes, theft is not dangerous to the person per se, and if you have evidence etc. on the thief, they’ll get around it when you file the report.
You don’t gain much by come running when the thief is gone anyway.
But as a citizen, it’s annoying.
Slackerrrrr at 2023-07-26 09:19:48+00:00 ID:
But iirc you should not try to constrain the thief. You could end up getting charged yourself.
theatrongviking at 2023-07-26 09:27:49+00:00 ID:
It’s legal to make civilian arrest, you are only allowed to do so, if and only if you see the criminal in action, and arrest him/her immediately afterwards. If you make a civilian arrest you have to report it immediately to the police.
You can read more here - but it is in danish https://www.danskerhverv.dk/presse-og-nyheder/nyheder/2021/maj/civil-anholdelse--regler-og-rettigheder/
MurraySG1 at 2023-07-26 12:17:46+00:00 ID:
This clause has gotten people into more trouble, than the thief. It’s up to the judge to decide if you used excessive force when trying to retain the thief and if you did, your punishment will be severe.
It’s generally not worth it, to take that chance.
Glaciatum-Anima at 2023-07-26 18:43:39+00:00 ID:
I’m personally leaning towards castle defense laws on this debate.
The mere act of breaking into someone’s home is incredibly aggressive and a reasonable response is lethal force. I don’t know if the intruder is there to steal or kill, so it’s safest to assume the latter and act accordingly.
Mortonwallmachine at 2023-07-26 09:50:22+00:00 ID:
Sure, but even the police recommend that you dont do it just for money. You could get hurt.
theatrongviking at 2023-07-26 11:13:00+00:00 ID:
Completely agree - if in doubt better to let him/her go, and let the police handle it, either by investigating or if safe for you following the suspect at a safe distance until the police arrive :)