Hi, I wanted to ask about the police here. I tried to ask for help yesterday, when we wanted to report a thief. I had to call 114 multiple times, because they were busy and asked me to call back… the third time when they asked me to call back again, I told them I’ve been told the same twice before. So they finally talk with me, and tell me they can’t do anything, because we didn’t see the person actually stealing & I have to report it online. We had the thief nearby for the whole time I tried to get a hold of them, but nothing.

I am from Eastern-Europe, where police gets paid less and isn’t as praised as here, but when I want to report something, they immediately do the paperwork and try to help. Why is it so different here? Do I really pay this high amount of tax to be told to report stuff online? Which, by the time I get home and get to sit down in front of my computer to actually report it, is a lost cause.

I am really not sure and been wondering, because this was my first experience here with police, and it was a bit upsetting. Especially the part when they ask me to call back, not even once haha.

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The original was posted on /r/denmark by /u/tinasdf at 2023-07-26 08:20:47+00:00.

    • Dannebot@leddit.danmark.partyOPMB
      1 year ago

      ragefaze at 2023-07-26 09:40:39+00:00 ID: jti2xiq

      Because getting “assaulted” without physical contact is going to shatter your fragile ego and kill you?

      • Dannebot@leddit.danmark.partyOPMB
        1 year ago

        Bebe_Master-69 at 2023-07-26 09:56:02+00:00 ID: jti44ly

        They never said no physical contact. They said no hitting or bleeding. Huge difference. But even if they didn’t physically touch you, if there was a clear intent of assault whether that be groping your butt or punching you in the face, then yeah. I would rather be charged with battery than go through that trauma. Also why did you put her assault in quotations like it didn’t happen or something. That is honestly so disrespectful and such a shitty thing to do

        • Dannebot@leddit.danmark.partyOPMB
          1 year ago

          ragefaze at 2023-07-26 15:56:03+00:00 ID: jtjcuzg

          So you read it like the police didn’t do anything because they couldn’t see him getting hit or bleeding, but they kicked him and / or hit him with clubs? I think you need to restart your brain.

          The reasonable assumption would be that the he didn’t get hit or kicked or hit with a weapon, but pushed etc. Something less than getting hit. And THAT is why the police weren’t able to do anything.

          Also, getting groped isn’t assault.