I was trying to work out how I managed to waste so much of my bandwidth allowance in a short time. With a Lemmy profile page loaded, I hit control-r to refresh while looking at the bandwidth meter.

Over 1 meg! wtf. I have images disabled in my browser, so it should only be fetching a small amount of compressed text. For comparison, loading ~25 IRC channels with 200 line buffers is 0.1mb.

So what’s going on? Is Lemmy transferring thumbnails even though images are disabled in the browser config?

  • TechNerdWizard42@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Your consumption of 1MB or 50MB of data does ZERO to prevent the planet cooking.

    Being on a plan that charges you $100+/GB is also a ratified case that means you’re on a special internet connection and these issues should be resolved on your end so your whole system benefits from caching and data saving. If you’re on a stupid plan like that because you choose to be, you’re just a troll.