I seem to have found a treasure in fediverse, namely when I tried the Lemmy application, after previously, the host mastodon.social betrayed me & supported elon musk ceo twitterX and became a slave to the technocrate, puppet government who acted unjustly. and Globalist agents, the only ones left on my channel right now are pleroma and Quora bases. people might say, the Global Civil Society community, has disbanded & died. but we are not dead, even if we are considered dead, we will soon rise from the dead. It turned out that when I used Lemmy by trying to create accounts in various instances, the interesting thing I found was that these agencies were more like a jungle kingdom, where the host & mod admins had different characters, in managing the community. and the most dominant thing from them is the thing in the form of an impulsive negative attitude and view. so you have to be careful in selecting instances in lemmy. there are those who do not act independently & free speech the truth in their community, even though it is harsh, which they perceive as harassment, even though the truth is very bitter. there are those who act like sheriff cowboys, who like to be feudal, easily ban user accounts, who don’t follow their ridiculous and restrictive rules. there is a character that they easily conclude people, they act like a ministry of the truth. even though their social insight & exploration & resources are still very low including their knowledge. they think people who are in the underground network, all have the potential to do something wrong. they don’t believe there are pious, wise, expert people in science or angels in their community. and they will be stoned if they come face to face with the wrong person. which is more competible than all of them. because their minds are petty. If I post photos of children’s faces & videos, they immediately think of it as childish & pedophile, even though their brains have been poisoned by the culture in their environment. both from the media culture in the media country, their unhealthy living environment, and the influence of the whispers of people around them, and the negative things that often appear in their healthy environment. If I like photos of children, it doesn’t mean I have a biological interest in them. And that’s normal, and if I upload photos of young girls as my homepage background, that’s also normal, it’s also okay if I want a thousand girls, unless I bring up pornographic images, & exploitation on them. if in your culture there are many pedophiles, don’t bring them to my healthy and normal culture. without sexual deviance, even towards young children. then they say don’t behave childish? I think this is a statement from abnormal people, every human being cannot leave the imaginative and childish side within them. And if I had to choose, I wouldn’t want to be in a community of instances, where people who lead like that, their brains are damaged. now the most fatal thing is if they easily ban accounts. according to their own shallow brain mood and perception of the user, I say, that I’m dealing with a very stupid person with high egosity & arrogance. back to lemmy…, I found many instances and community groups here. a lot of great potential to gather community networks in order not only to interact & exchange information, but also to gather a revolutionary resistance movement against the evil system & agenda of the globalist, and all their accomplices around the world. and wake people up of their tricks & of the danger & serious threat of this. and lemmy has great potential to grow resistance movement & struggle against this. the problem is in this application there is no add friend and follower feature, no add grouplist feature. although both features are very important. so now I’m trying to work around so that the facility to get access to it, can be represented using an independent third-party application. Indeed, most of my community loyalists are silence readers in the group. they are in the grouplist but don’t post anything and just read all my leads via group posts, and respond with emotes. if they don’t understand, what they usually do is dm me. so I say once again, the culture of good & faithful people in my Global civil society community is, people who have very good intellectual, spiritual, attitude, empathy, awareness & respect, even towards me. when they first got to know me, they didn’t underestimate what I shared and disseminated, both ideas, visions and guidelines. they listen more to what I say, plan, do & instruct. without daring to argue or question. They know they are dealing with people with what kind of background and capabilities, which they are aware of and should respect and appreciate. on twitter first, and quora, this kind of thing has happened, on quora, not a single word of my post that was so harsh and impulsive, was deleted, hidden, or taken down by quora. Quora has only one drawback, namely that their community is full of education, a community that is not suitable for gathering masses, such as movements on Twitter. and I’m Cybernetwalker, I’ve been wronged a lot by ceos and stupid staff from big socmedia, like twitter, and meta fb and others, even google inc. but that doesn’t mean I don’t have another social media base, there are lots of communities that make me feel free, comfortable, and give me flexibility there. I am cybernetwalker, I am the only person who has explored various social communities on the internet, from the bad, the worst, the strictest, the most standard, and the safest, free and has trusted privacy. I’m not the type of person who likes to speak lies & nonsense, I’m maskugatiger a.k.a Cybernetwalker, The Highest Leader of Global Civil Society Community. I move quickly in the shadows of the proxy and the darkness of the streets out there.