Pretty much all my stories so far have featured a core OC & I realised today that for the couple of one-shots I’ve done, I have a passing relationship with those OCs, but for the longer stories, it’s like I live in the OC’s head. Part of it is no doubt the nature of spending months writing from a character’s perspective, but it feels odd now that I’ve recognised it. Like having an alter ego or a twin.

Does this make any sense to any other writers or am I just talking complete nonsense?

    1 year ago

    Makes sense to me! Whether OC or figuring out a canon character, the longer a work is the more involved and developed you get with writing them. Even if you write some connected oneshots with the same characters, there is a bit of a separation there with how they are between those different stories. In a longer story, your brain gets into the character’s progression. Or regression, depending on how the story goes.