TikTok has been pushing Chinese propaganda to millions of users in Europe: analysis::More than 1,000 ads from Chinese state media outlets have run on European users’ TikTok feeds since October 2022, according to the platform’s latest ad library update that was analyzed by Forbes.

  • Koboldschadenfroh@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    If you didn’t know any better, you could be lead to believe than 98% of Americans are Republican.

    That’s what they want you to think to demoralize you.

    But youtube comment sections have always had the worst, most vile, inhumane and stupid comments. The rise in these horrible comments might be bots or paid trolls. Youtube is overrun by bots for years now. If they seriously wanted to do something about it, they would have done so by now. Them removing the dislike buttons is very bad as well, because people not seeing downvotes on awful comments might lead them to believe those opinions are acceptable, especially impressionable youths. Moving the Overton window. I don’t see any other reason for removing the dislike buttons. Like that nazi mom group Hitler quote: The one who own the youth, owns the future.