A Buddhist was saying to me that anything bad that happens to someone is deserved because they must have had bad karma as a result of having done something bad, either in this life or a previous incarnation. I don’t believe in any of this personally, but I think it would be helpful to understand the idea of karma a bit better, because this seems problematic to me on its own.

Wouldn’t it logically follow, then, that it’s fine for any person to choose to commit harmful actions on another person, since if those harms did happen to befall the person (even if it was as a consequence of our willful decision to cause them), it would be deserved due to bad karma they had from a previous life (even if they were a young child/baby in their current life for example)? And then couldn’t we use this to justify literally any harm we choose to do as being deserved due to assumed bad karma, making the idea of avoiding causing harm (ahimsa/nonviolence) meaningless or pointless?

Also, another way that this idea seems to contradict for me, is that if us choosing to harm someone else automatically means that they’d done something bad in a previous life to “deserve” it, then since we’re physically capable of doing that to any individual that exists, wouldn’t that mean that literally everyone has done something wrong in a past life, has bad harma and is deserving of that punishment? What if someone bombed all of humanity, would that mean that everyone had been bad in their past lives? Surely there would be some individuals that hadn’t done anything particularly bad even in their past lives, didn’t have bad karma and didn’t deserve that punishment? Or is everyone just terrible (or has everyone been terrible in a past life) and therefore we all deserve to be punished for it, and it’s okay for anyone to enact this punishment as they see fit?

By the way, I also believe in forgiveness and mercy even for those that DID do something wrong, but that’s a separate idea I guess.

If I was going to try to rationalise this idea of karma in a way I was more comfortable with, I guess I would interpret it that if someone does something wrongful, they may bring bad karma back upon themselves, but that’s something for the universe to decide how to address (it may even come about in ways that don’t involve decisions of individuals) and it doesn’t mean it’s acceptable for us to choose to dole out punishments on any individual because we assume they deserve it. Not only does that seem highly likely to be causing injustices to innocent individuals, or at least showing a lack of mercy, but it also just seems like a way to justify or rationalise the harm we cause that we’re actually doing for other reasons that have nothing to do with a perceived duty to serve karmic justice.

By the way, for context, the Buddhist person I was speaking to used this idea of karma to defend the evils humans cause to other animals in factory farming. Supposedly, all those animals must have had bad karma from a past life and therefore it was okay what we do to them. Which seems like a pretty gross idea to me, and very far away from the principle of ahimsa/nonviolence…

  • NovaPrime@lemmy.ml
    6 months ago

    Imo, your friend, and some in this thread, misrepresent, or simply do not grasp beyond the very surface meaning, the nature of Karma. It is not good or bad - it simply is. It is the cause and effect in all of universe and existence as we perceive it. It is not that your individual bead on the chain will suffer or be rewarded for actions your previous bead form took (if you even believe in reincarnation), but rather that all of nature and all of existence is inextricably tied together, the influence and impact of one bead reverberates through the string that connects all and thus impacts all. Put another way, suffering and discord put into the universe will impact all future events, some to lesser degree than others. That impact may not necessarily be negative on the micro level for any given individual or life being, but on the macro level it nonetheless adds to the overall entropy and disharmony in the universe. The idea of nirvana is reaching a state where one is attuned to a state of consciousness and existence that does not generate Karma, but rather simply exists and floats on a universal wave, existing as an inseparable and fully necessary part of the wave, simply observing and letting what was, is, and always was going to be be.