This morning I was going through my usual routine of doing a docker pull and I saw that Paperless had an update. Upon checking the Github, I noticed that my version was a lot older than what’s currently available. After a bit of digging, I realised that Linux Server deprecated their repository. Cool, no worries, let me switch to the new repository. I delete my Paperless and run the installer on the official repository and all was going perfectly. But I had a power cut. No worries, I go to the fuse box, reset the tripped switch and then manually pull in the Paperless directory to finish the installation. Only problem, I can’t get it to work. I assume that something fucked up and so delete everything and try again. Only now, when it gets to creating the yaml files it says “no permission”. I check the permissions and they’re the same as everything else. Anyone got any idea of what’s happening or how to fix it?

  • @[email protected]
    223 days ago

    I’m not familiar with that application and you haven’t given much detail, but if file permissions are correct, I’d check selinux contexts.

    • @sabreW4K3OP
      123 days ago

      Thank you. This inspired me to add :z to the paths, which didn’t do what it was supposed to, but recreated the files in a new directory and I just copied them over. Then I got stuck because I forgot to run the webserver command, but I got there in the end and now I’m all up and running.

  • @[email protected]
    23 days ago

    Check whether you have extended attributes like SElinux or ACL, assuming you’re checking file system permissions. Sometimes there are permission problems when you run out of storage space or a file system is marked as read only, etc. similarly, networked file systems have their own layers of security and quotas to review. Good luck!

    • @sabreW4K3OP
      223 days ago

      Thank you for taking the time to try and help me. I appreciate it.