I mean, he makes the rounds in the right wing grift-o-sphere somewhat regularly, has huge name recognition, and likely a very positive q score among maga types.
He probably doesn’t need any leftist outrage to win a primary in the right district.
Is a positive q score how likely they are to believe in delusional conspiracy theories that are obvious rebrands of Nazi propaganda? Or am I thinking of a different q?
His opinions aren’t newsworthy.
Can we agree to just vote the post to oblivion where it belongs?
Until the left outrage the paper generated gives him enough fake credibility to actually get elected.
Yeah best to ignore twats don’t give them clicks or views. Or write articles about them lol
I mean, he makes the rounds in the right wing grift-o-sphere somewhat regularly, has huge name recognition, and likely a very positive q score among maga types.
He probably doesn’t need any leftist outrage to win a primary in the right district.
Is a positive q score how likely they are to believe in delusional conspiracy theories that are obvious rebrands of Nazi propaganda? Or am I thinking of a different q?