In the past, folks have had discussions in crime posts about not wanting to see crime posts, and it is rare to see one with a positive voting score unless it’s something actionable (such as a fundraiser or a call for people to more safely store firearms). What are folks thoughts on the addition of a guideline or rule on crime posts? I think a good ground would be discouraging hot-off-the-presses two-sentence articles that local news outlets immediately put out, but I would like to know what the community would think is reasonable before everyone is driven away.
Sounds like you’re suggesting this is an “urban vs. suburban” thing: people who don’t have to deal with the problem and would rather not think about it vs. people for whom this is a pressing, daily issue.
I think I understand this position. I was raised, and spent much of my adult life, in clean, safe neighborhoods. But I spent a few years in a neighborhood where crime was rampant, shootings went on every few nights (even right outside my window one night!), buildings were in a state of severe disrepair… it was pretty bad. And it seriously bugs me how for most people that sort of thing is “out of sight, out of mind”, and even for people who live there it’s “get out if you can, and keep your mouth shut and stay uninvolved if you can’t”.
No one should experience so much crime they begin to feel numb to it.
It isn’t numbness. It’s fear. People outside don’t know what to do about it because they aren’t there. People inside are terrified to do anything about it because criminals respond poorly to people trying to put a stop to it.