Reminder to switch browsers if you haven’t already!

  • Google Chrome is starting to phase out older, more capable ad blocking extensions in favor of the more limited Manifest V3 system.
  • The Manifest V3 system has been criticized by groups like the Electronic Frontier Foundation for restricting the capabilities of web extensions.
  • Google has made concessions to Manifest V3, but limitations on content filtering remain a source of skepticism and concern.
    4 个月前

    Better for MS non-standard things? Or better how?

    All browsers had non-standard things back then, to the point where many sites had two versions: An IE version and a Netscape version.

    Believe it or not, back then Internet Explorer was the most standards-compliant browser. It was the first browser to implement the DOM and CSS based on relevant W3C specs (Netscape was backing JSSS instead).

    Many features we take for granted these days came from IE. Drag and drop, the JS events system, iframes, rich text editing, clipboard access, AJAX (dynamically loading content on the page without a full page reload), visual effects like transparency and gradients, all originally came from Internet Explorer.

    The CSS box-model in IE6 (including margin, padding and border in the width of elements) was wrong because the CSS spec hadn’t been finalized by the time of its release so Microsoft used a draft, and it changed from publication of the draft to publication of the final version. Many years later, people realised that IE6’s model was actually the better model, which is why every browser supports it now via box-sizing: border-box.

      4 个月前

      Sigh. OK, since I didn’t use Netscape (started around 2002), didn’t know about some of these.