Hello Z-Wave community,

I have a Z-Wave switch in my basement (GE Enbrighten ZW4008) controlling Neons. Recently, I added two more Z-Wave switches to control the same Neons in different areas. However, the association isn’t working as I would have expected (my bad).

Key details:

  • All switches are on the same Z-Wave network via a Vera controller.
  • Only line and neutral wires are available, no travelers.
  • I attempted ‘group associations’ through Vera, but the additional switches don’t work this way; they don’t control the Neons.
  • One of the additional switches is also a GE Enbrighten ZW4008, while the other is an Ultrapro ZW4008, both made by JASCO. I’m unsure about the compatibility and any potential differences between these two models.

So, I reverted to making the extra two switches work with a scene (through the controller), but there is too much lag. I’ve read about auxiliary switches (add-ons) for three-way setups. Can anyone provide guidance on achieving multi-switch control without travelers? I see GE add-ons, but they show a traveler wire, and nowhere do they mention that they work with some kind of association (without a traveler). If GE switch is not the solution, I don’t mind buying other brands if necessary.

Note: The switches are not on the same breaker box; I’m not sure if this is relevant.

Any insights, experiences, or product recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you
