The Human-Covenant War, also known as the Covenant War, the Great War, and the War of Annihilation by the Covenant, was a major interstellar conflict pitting humanity and its United Nations Space Command against the Covenant during the mid-26th...
If I was a communist Insurrectionist during the war I would prioritize fighting the covenant. Maybe negotiate a ceasefire with the UNSC and resume hostilities after the war. Hopefully the people’s army would get new tech like phantoms, banshees and whatnot.
At best a temporary United Front would come out. At worst we will have to defend liberated worlds from both sides.
If I was a communist Insurrectionist during the war I would prioritize fighting the covenant. Maybe negotiate a ceasefire with the UNSC and resume hostilities after the war. Hopefully the people’s army would get new tech like phantoms, banshees and whatnot.
At best a temporary United Front would come out. At worst we will have to defend liberated worlds from both sides.