I’m still yet to understand the benefit of tariffs.

  • j4k3@lemmy.world
    28 days ago

    That is a whole different issue. GM is part of the toxic and corrupt US business sector. Their claims are trash politics. There are an order of magnitude less parts in an EV than ICE. The only reason these are expensive is because of no R&D into tooling for EV’s and the supply chain. Yeah it’s expensive to pay competent people to do everything for their decrepit useless quarterly imbecile mindset. China said they were investing heavily in EV tooling and supply chain back in 2014. The US did nothing at the time, then half ass gave GM 6 billion to invest in EV R&D. GM turned around and used the money to do a stock buy back, bonus the back patters and spend absolutely nothing on EV’s. Such is the American way. The Chinese are not "subsidizing anything. They are simply the only ones that have made any worthwhile effort to try and make a half honest EV.

    There is no way to overcome the market corruption of such criminals, but those criminals are supply chain gate keepers that prevent most Americans from participating in the market. We are on the path to empoverishment in the USA and will be totally irrelevant on our present trajectory. Outsourcing as it was done was treason for venture capital and the effects of that are only just beginning.

    I’m talking about places like Europe where people with half sense and ethics live. They might have a chance with tariffs helping them teach parity.

    • sabreW4K3OPM
      28 days ago

      It’s funny you say that because Volkswagen has been openly protesting increased tariffs on Chinese EVs