I had never posted there before and if I was banned before I wouldn’t be able to press on Create Post. I checked but have never received a message before from r/bangladesh that I was banned. I think they have an automatic filter that picked up on the words ‘US sponsored coup’. Can someone post the same picture as me with the same text to see if this is not just a me thing? I checked, I can create comments in other subreddits but can’t post comments or posts in r/bangladesh anymore even though I didn’t receive a notification I’m banned. I can’t even see the list of moderators of r/bangladesh anymore.

But another reminder the Reddit is a US website with links to their government and a lot of national subreddits are compromised like r/afghanistan

    • arianyanners 🏳️‍⚧️🇧🇩@lemmygrad.ml
      1 month ago

      of course an indian would come along and defend hasina and her daddy without giving a single fuck about the atrocities and the harm they did to us and to this country

      From the posts shared by Bangladeshi muslims on social media and on various channels, it is very clear that most people see Mujibar as a traitor for adhering to secular/socialist politics and waging war against Razakars (the islamist militias who killed hindus ).

      no, dumbfuck. people here hate mujibor rahman because his daughter kept deifying, glorifying his ass just because he gave a few good speeches about independence and “spent years and years in prison”. also because the truth about him got leaked out and people now understand why major dalim killed his tyrannical ass. consider reading “amar fashi chai” sometimes rather than consuming wion, please?

      also, razakars were east pakistanis who aided with the west pakistanis during the time of the liberation war, not “ISLAMiSt MilITIAS WhO kilLED HINdus”. i want to slap you in the face for even making such a statement like that, fucking wannabe hindutva with your “hInDu KhAtRe MeIn HeI” and “MUSlIMS Are KiLLing, Sa-InG the pOoR PooR hInduS” bullshit.

      also lmfao on the socialist part when mujib did an excellent job silencing prominent socialists like siraj shikdar and defangling CPB/JASOD who during the time were going pretty strong. he illegalized all political parties and only allowed BAKSAL - HIS fucking political party to be the only legal political party to be around. he’s not even a fucking marxist, let alone a “socialist” scoff.

      It is very clear that future Bangladesh will be an islamist one, they will purge every literature related to secularism Or pluralism of religions and may expel the hindu minority to India.

      things are not set in stone yet you fucking dumb removed. the interim government is supposed to last 3 years, and the revolutionaries are making a political party of their own. given the amount of people who sided with them, people would actually be likely to listen to them over the now-weakened-to-hell CPB-JASOD. not everyone here supports BNP-Jamaat, i’ve seen countless posts talking about being against BNP and some against Jatiyo Party, Jamaat and IAB. at least fucking wait until that happens before you keep going on and on and on about “muh islamism! muh islamism!”. it’s embarrassing, given that your own media admits that hindus weren’t any safe under BAL.

      i seriously doubt that the next government will try to “eXPeL the HindU mINOrity to INDia” like you claim. and re: “They wILl PURge evERy litErAture ReLatEd To sECularISm or pLurALism of RELIGiOnS” - don’t you think they (jamat/shibir) would’ve done it already by now? since no one’s really there to stop them?

      Bangladeshi people see India as an adversary for giving them independence or because they see the independence of Bangladesh as an act of separatism from their bigger ummah (Pakistan).

      removed what the fuck are you on about? you guys are the ones who:

      • opens flood gates of the dams that y’all made around the rivers of this country every fucking year and let us get flooded every time it rains over here and for y’all. only to close it down when it’s dry for y’all, thereby not letting us have any water or fish from naturally flowing rivers.
      • literally murdered felani, a 15 year old minor girl from our country for the crimes of… crossing the border?
      • you guys call any indian bangalis (west bengalis) who don’t bow down to your hindutvadi shenanigans as illegal bangladeshis and treat them as such.
      • and if we’re going to be religious, you guys persecute the muslim minorities of your own country. something that people of our country don’t like.
      • also did i mention spreading misinformation about what’s going on in this country, exaggerating the negative outcomes and happenings? stuff like pulling out old footages/pictures and using those to push your own narratives? i still remember that y’all used a picture of a woman member who used to be part of BAL being tied up in a public park and tried to pass it off as “hInDu WoMeN aRe In DaNgEr!!!” nevermind the fact that this woman likely isn’t even hindu and people tied her up because people were fucking pissed at anyone who were part of BAL. not because she was hindu or whatever. 🙄
      • tried to have greater access on our country while giving us no fucking benefits by getting full access to mongla port and tried to make a railroad that crossed through our country to the 7 sisters.
      • the previous government was super fucking busy exporting all the hilshas of our country to y’all without leaving any for us.

      also lmfao at calling us “bangladeshi people” when fucking “bangladeshis” would’ve sufficed.

      we don’t hate you because y’all gave us independence (nevermind the fact that the USSR also had a part in this, but sure let’s take all the credit shall we?). we hate you because y’all don’t see us as actual people and just exploit us. stop trying to act like you know about us and stop consuming godi/hindutva media and treating it as facts ffs.

      bangladeshis were the ones who LITERALLY FUCKING WANTED independence back then. maulana fucking bhashani who - no doubt you’d call him an islamist because he keeps a beard and shit, nevermind the fact that he was a goddamn fucking leftist - led the independence movement and had to convince your beloved daddy mujib that you love defending so much who was pro-pakistan till the end - into giving the speeches in 1971. why else do you think the 1952 language movement and then the 1969 mass uprisings happened? why do you think the pro-independence awami league of that time won the 1970s elections? because people here wanted their bangali identity, their bangla language to be erased just to be “part of the fucking ummah”? give me a fucking break.

      you know not a goddamn fucking thing about the history of this country. you’re just parrotting whatever godi media feeds you.

        • CriticalResist8@lemmygrad.ml
          1 month ago

          Dude you keep making alt accounts to evade your ban and they all end up being caught after a few days. The next step is we’re gonna ban you again, we’re gonna delete your post and comments in one click, and then what? You’re gonna make more accounts? Give it a rest and move on, or change as a person so much so that we don’t have reasons to ban you any more.

          • words can’t describe just how thankful i am for you to take an action like this. i was getting sick and tired of seeing the grad get infected with hindutva narrative about our country by people who don’t even live here. it’s like watching your family getting worse over time. it hurts, genuinely.

        • Did I say it was fake, or that 0 hindus were hurt after Hasina was toppled anywhere?

          I made that statement because this user was acting like only hindus were killed by the razakars during the liberation war. This was not related to the revolution that went through our country recently.

          Swing and a miss.

            • Did you read the whole thing actually? Because it seems like you’re only hyperfocusing the “mocking” part. The context was right there.

              This user was providing a false definition to the term, “Razakar”. Razakars weren’t “IsLaMiSt MiLiTaS wHo KiLLeD hInDuS”, they were east pakistanis who aided with the west pakistanis during the time of the liberation war in 1971. To say hindus were their only targets would be disgusting, as I’m sure many muslims were killed in the process as well. The liberation war wasn’t just fought by hindus ffs.

              Why is Lemmygrad-Hexbear so eager to drink the Hindutva/Indian coolaid regarding us?