Anyone want to share insight on Michael Hudson thought?

So far i’ve been reading Killing the Host and his podcasts with Radhika Desai on Multipolarista/Geopolital Report. I love his insights on how the financial system works and what has happened during the recurrent crises (also love Radhikas insights).

    2 years ago

    I read Superimperialism last year. I think it’s a very important theory with regards to the last century of global politics and economics. It puts into context how we got to where we are today and gives some ideas on how to get out of it. It was a bit of a slow read for me without much academic knowledge on economics but at some point I will read Global Fracture in which Hudson covers the post-gold standard events.

    I also like listening to his interviews and this new podcast series. When it comes to money and economics they’re aren’t many other people as interesting and as correct as Hudson.

    The things I’d be cautious of are his insistence on mixed systems, the importance of industrial capital (as opposed to financial capital), and his liberal takes on AES. He’s not a principled ML by any means, even though he meaningfully and insightfully extended and expanded Lenin’s theory of imperialism.