ā€œJill Stein is a useful idiot for Russia. After parroting Kremlin talking points and being propped up by bad actors in 2016 sheā€™s at it again,ā€ DNC spokesman Matt Corridoni said in a statement toĀ The Bulwark. ā€œJill Stein wonā€™t become president, but her spoiler candidacyā€”that both the GOP and Putin have previously shown interest inā€”can help decide who wins. A vote for Stein is a vote for Trump.ā€

  • archomrade [he/him]@midwest.social
    4 days ago

    A majority of americans (sic) support halting arms shipments to Israel.

    ā€¦except it didnā€™t. It said 52% +/- 3.5%, based on a survey of 1000 people, support halting arms shipments to Israel until attacks on Gaza stop. That is within the margin of error, and could be as low at 49%. And a whole 21%, again +/- 3.5%, arenā€™t sure if we should halt weapons shipments to Gaza and 27%, again +/- 3.5%, suggest we should maintain support for Israel.

    Lmao, idk what to tell you thatā€™s a majority, according to the poll. Margins of error and samples or respondents areā€¦ well thatā€™s just how polls work. If youā€™re simply worried about losing votes, then you could even include those that are ā€˜unsureā€™, or some portion thereof, since if the democrats actually made the case against continuing to support an active genocide, a good portion of those ā€˜unsureā€™ would likely see reason.

    Since my point was that weā€™d only need to turn off 50% of Jews to lose far more votes than we gain from this poster and its ilk, it dishonestly blows this bullshit in our face, ignoring my point altogether, and then gets all offended and shit over pronouns.

    And my point is that it isnā€™t just Stein voters (which very well may outnumber registration numbers and previous election numbers given the intense dissatisfaction with the democratic gaza policy, among others) democrats need to worry about - there are also Undecided voters and voters who will decide not to vote at all. That, and youā€™re assuming that Jewish Americans will decide that Trump is better, not just that they disagree with that particular policy.

    And, again, all of this is a digression over whether continued support for Israelā€™s genocide is even defensible, a perspective with which I very much disagree with. Electoralist rhetoric has this unfortunate tendency to deflect debate away from actual policy decisions and supplant it with whatever policies win you the election. I think you know continued unconditioned military aid to Israel is indefensible, but itā€™s far easier to ā€˜whataboutā€™ the other guy.

    1. More bullshit accusing Dems of catering to Fascists

    This you?

    This poster wants you to believe that what Harris is doing to cater to the middle makes her equivalent to Trump. It does not. Sheā€™s trying to bring everyone to the table, and believes that not screaming to the high hills how Left she is is the best way to make Trump fail again in 2024. I do think she should go more like ā€œHey, Moderate Republicans. Thanks for your vote. Please, stay during this election, but after the Election is over, go back and fix your party. [LMAO at this] Weā€™re not going to become Republican Lite over here for you. You need to fix your party so America can have two choices again,ā€ but I wonā€™t hold it against her if she doesnā€™t do that.

    The people you call ā€œModerate Republicansā€ - the ones that you say Harris is ā€˜reaching out toā€™ - I consider to be fascistic. Theyā€™re the ones who think immigrants are jumping the boarder and bringing drugs and weapons, and theyā€™re the ones who Harris is appealing to by supporting greater asylum restrictions and funding for more border agents. Theyā€™re the ones who think sexuality is binary and that gender should be enforced in public, the ones who might get spooked if Harris publically defended trans rights.

    What you call ā€˜screaming to the hills about how Left she isā€™, I think is basic humanitarianism. Avoiding the defense of trans rights is conceding that they are even up for debate to begin with.

    You kind of need to worry about your own home before you start worrying about the homes across the street, unfortunately.

    Why am I not surprised to see this conservative idiom in your comment?

    Iā€™m just done with the nonsense being spewed on Lemmy by people who seem to be all to eager to do the same kind of ā€˜blow up every molehill into a mountainā€™ that confirmed Russian Troll Farms did with Clinton in 2016 and end us up with another 4 years of Trump.

    Lmao, Clinton lost because she arrogantly believed she didnā€™t need to address progressive concerns, just like Harris is doing now. She and her supporters derided them as ā€œBernie Brosā€. She didnā€™t lose because of russian interference, she lost because she was a fundamentally bad candidate.

    I happen to be tired of the liberal bullshit being spewed here, personally. I think thereā€™s precious little pushback, in part because .world has actively defederated from everyone to the left of them. If you find .worldā€™s politics intolerable, you should really try spending time in an instance that hasnā€™t gone as far out of their way to avoid leftist perspectives.

    This poster is demanding I show respect, here on the internet, where the Men are Men, the Women are Women, and the Children are FBI agents, while it and its ilk treat the rest of us like children at best and shit at worst. This poster bitches about the fact that I donā€™t see fit to refer to it as a person. Well, Iā€™ve been told in no uncertain terms I canā€™t call these posters out as the way I want to, so this is the best theyā€™re going to get.

    Lmao, is this, like, a copypasta? I mean I would be more upset by this, if it werenā€™t for the fact that youā€™ve had other comments removed that start almost word-for-word like thisā€¦ The lady doth protest too much, methinks

    You actually remind me of another user here that was repeatedly banned for constantly accusing other users of being russian trolls, even going so far as to follow them around and link them into unrelated threads to pester them for proof they werenā€™t trolls. I would never say you were that userā€™s soc account, but holy fuck do you share a similar fervor for that obsession. It might be time to log off and touch some grass, bud.

    • TheHiddenCatboy@lemmy.world
      4 days ago

      The people you call ā€œModerate Republicansā€ - the ones that you say Harris is ā€˜reaching out toā€™ - I consider to be fascistic.

      And I call bullshit on this entire line of reasoning. Everyone right of you is not Fascist, and calling everyone who is right of you a Fascist is a really shitty thing to do to people, and is a good part of why this country is so paralysed.

      lmao, Clinton lost because she arrogantly believed she didnā€™t need to address progressive concerns, just like Harris is doing now.

      Bullshit equating Clinton with Harris but par for the course for these people.

      I happen to be tired of the liberal bullshit being spewed here, personally.

      Well, hereā€™s this posterā€™s problem in a nutshell. If we donā€™t give these particular type of posters EXACTLY what they want, theyā€™re gonna lump us in with the Christofascists that are currently taking over the GOP.

      If you find .worldā€™s politics intolerable, you should really try spending time in an instance that hasnā€™t gone as far out of their way to avoid leftist perspectives.

      Why would I subject myself to such a bullshit factory. Little echo-chambers where nonsense like ā€œKamala Harris is a Fascist that murders Palestinian babiesā€ is the same kind of bullshit factory that produces nonsense like ā€œKamala Harris is a Far-Leftist that murders and fucks babies for her Master, Satan,ā€ just on the Left instead of the right.

      And no. I donā€™t find .worldā€™s politics intolerable. If I did, I wouldnā€™t be here. I find the brigade from .ml and other instances, coming here to push their bullshit that Harris is a secret Fascist who is just going to implement Project 2025 for Trump, to be intolerable, as much as the shitheads from the other side that pop in to say Harris is going to sell us off to the Mexicans and the Muslims, while being a baby-eating, baby-fucking Satan worshipper that plans global domination from the basement of a pizza parlour that doesnā€™t have a basementā€¦

      Iā€™d suggest this poster and its fellow spreaders of left-wing conspiracy theory bullshit might fuck off back to a ā€œLeftistā€ instance of Lemmy and circlejerk with each other about how EVIL the Democratic Party is and how UNLEFT it is, but that would be mean and censoring their opinion as another purveyor of this kind of bullshit Iā€™m calling out here put it. So, instead, Iā€™ll just call out the bullshit as I can, and call this stupidity that Harris is a secret Fascist as exactly what it isā€¦stupid bullshit.

      You actually remind me of another user here that was repeatedly banned for constantly accusing other users of being russian (sic) trollsā€¦

      Well, this is the Internet, but Iā€™ll say Iā€™ve only had comments banned. Thatā€™s why I am not engaging with this ā€¦ person directly, because if I said what I want to say to this person, it would get removed, and I might get banned. Iā€™d also point out that if you keep acting like ā€œrussianā€ trolls, youā€™ll keep getting called Russian trolls, just not by me, because weā€™re not allowed to do that here, DESPITE the fact that there was a troll operation discovered and exposed doing the exact same things that are being done here, today. Thatā€™s my only beef with the mods. But since I canā€™t call a spade a spade, Iā€™ll just keep debunking the bullshit being pushed byā€¦ people I disagree with (see, I didnā€™t call 'em Russian Trolls, mods! I are good catboy!) This isnā€™t a fight we can give up because Russia DEFINITELY wants Trump running the show here regardless of the motivations of a given poster.

      It might be time to log off and touch some grass, bud.

      For a member of a faction who really screams loudly about being censored by other factions on the Left side of the spectrum here in the USA, this poster really likes to try to censor those other factions.

      Thatā€™s OK. Iā€™m touched that this poster is concerned about my health. I had a nice relaxing bike ride, that included lots of grassy areas. My healthā€™s good. But I think Iā€™ll stick around and keep pushing against this frankly offensive bullshit being pushed that Harris is somehow Fascist. I donā€™t care if this particular poster is motivated by a paycheque from Putin, one from Trump (but I repeat myself), one from Stein (but I repeat myself), or because itā€™s a True Believer ā„¢, this bullshit serves Putinā€™s and Trumpā€™s purpose, so Iā€™m not gonna stop calling it out. I hope that doesnā€™t inconvenience this poster too much! :)