Hi, I’m amateur, but interested in history. I’m trying to catch up on XX century (now watching The Vietnam War) and one of the more intriguing people is H. Kissinger. I know he had a large impact on the world, but lately I just see heavy critisim of his policies and ideas (e.g. John Oliver’s jokes).

I wanted to ask for a good book recommnedation (or documentary) that would explain what he did wrong (and what he did well). I bought years ago his book “Diplomacy” in some supermarket, but I’m worried that it’s not a good starter point to learn about something I have no real knowledge about - his own book will probably set me on really subjective path.

I’m interested in either something about Kissinger himself, but maybe more about the general world politics of his time. I would appreciate any recommendation (if book would be popular enough to be translated Polish that would be a plus, but not requirement) :)