• Rottcodd@ani.social
    20 hours ago

    You’re faulting a series for a problem that exists because of assholes.

    Every medium has its instances that are provocatice or scatological or otherwise offensive.

    The difference with anime is that there’s a group of assholes who base part of their identities on their purported superior taste as evidenced by the fact that they hate anime, and there’s enough of them that they’ve formed a fairly significant circlejerk. And they latch onto things like this to which to point as supposed examples of the medium as a whole, while self-servingly ignoring the other 99.9% of stuff out there.

    So yes, in a sense, there is a problem with the fact that things like this exist, but the problem isn’t really simply that they exist, but that there’s a fairly significant group of assholes who can and will dogpile on that fact.

    If you want to blame someone or something for the problem, don’t blame the series - blame the assholes.