If I wanted to suggest a change to a traffic light sequence, should I be contacting VicRoads or my local Council? (If it’s VicRoads, is there a specific email/contact form I should use? Or do just try the generic contact email and hope for the best?)
VicRoads, they nearly all traffic lights for councils, under contract. 13 11 70 goes to traffic management, rather than license inquiries.
SCATS (traffic light software) is usually good at learning traffic patterns, however it can easily be thrown off by one off events (eg knock-off at a footy game).
If I wanted to suggest a change to a traffic light sequence, should I be contacting VicRoads or my local Council? (If it’s VicRoads, is there a specific email/contact form I should use? Or do just try the generic contact email and hope for the best?)
VicRoads, they nearly all traffic lights for councils, under contract. 13 11 70 goes to traffic management, rather than license inquiries.
SCATS (traffic light software) is usually good at learning traffic patterns, however it can easily be thrown off by one off events (eg knock-off at a footy game).