When they say they can’t afford to forgive student loans, this is what they mean. This is where the money went. A trillion each year into the military that can’t say where the money went and fails the audit each year.
We need to reduce education spending to help balance the budget. What’s that? The Army says they don’t need any more tanks? They already had a large surplus? Here’s an authorization and order for 5,000 more at $10.6M each. Now about social security…
When they say they can’t afford to forgive student loans, this is what they mean. This is where the money went. A trillion each year into the military that can’t say where the money went and fails the audit each year.
We need to reduce education spending to help balance the budget. What’s that? The Army says they don’t need any more tanks? They already had a large surplus? Here’s an authorization and order for 5,000 more at $10.6M each. Now about social security…