Yeah if I was gonna keep doing this I’d probably get a special product but seeing as I’m downsizing and won’t have space for keeping bottles, I made do with a hot water soak and elbow grease. All future bottles going to recycling. For the next six months anyway
Yeah I would sometimes soak them in scalding hot soapy water until it was just hot enough to touch with gloves, and then scrub all the paper and glue off with a scourer I was about to replace.
Take lids off, soak in sink of hot water
The ones that don’t have heat / water reactive glue ya hit with de-solv-it and leave soak ten mins then rinse off easy peasy
Yeah if I was gonna keep doing this I’d probably get a special product but seeing as I’m downsizing and won’t have space for keeping bottles, I made do with a hot water soak and elbow grease. All future bottles going to recycling. For the next six months anyway
Peanut butter also works and it’s tasty.
I tend to keep some goo dissolver on hand in general because it’s a very good degreaser as well
Yeah I would sometimes soak them in scalding hot soapy water until it was just hot enough to touch with gloves, and then scrub all the paper and glue off with a scourer I was about to replace.
Big ol green ones are the best