Personally, I do think that it is at least plausible that the leading Fascists, like many other upper-class politicians, secretly doubted their own professed religious convictions. (It would be very unusual for a Catholic to promote both sterilizations and euthanasia.) Even so, blaming the theory of evolution for their atrocities is ridiculous, not only because it is reductive but also because the evidence for its influence on them is extremely thin.
Barminam, people are still peddling this myth that the German Fascists accepted evolution?
Personally, I do think that it is at least plausible that the leading Fascists, like many other upper-class politicians, secretly doubted their own professed religious convictions. (It would be very unusual for a Catholic to promote both sterilizations and euthanasia.) Even so, blaming the theory of evolution for their atrocities is ridiculous, not only because it is reductive but also because the evidence for its influence on them is extremely thin.