It looks like people are having a really rough time lately, in the aims of improving the mental well-being of our comrades please consider this post an open forum to vent frustrations about whatever is bothering you.

If you’re currently having a hard go of it, remember that we here at the 'grad care about you.

  • 小莱卡
    1 年前

    one of my dogs died suddenly today, found him dead on a small ditch (narrow and like 1 meter deep). i can’t stop thinking abt it, i really think i could’ve saved him but i didn’t go to work yesterday (small ranch outside city) and my coworker did go and noticed he was missing but didn’t bother to search for him… we found him today early in the morning and it definitely was recent since he didn’t stink and didn’t feel bloated.

    i don’t know if he got bit by a snake and fell into the ditch out of panic, or he just fell into the ditch and died out of panic since he wasn’t able to get out… 😢