The first blood is shed. Get an exclusive look at the opening 8-minute sequence of #KravenTheHunter. Get your tickets NOW. Only in theatres December 13.Learn...
Kraven possesses superhuman abilities conferred upon him via special herbal potions he periodically ingests. These abilities include enhanced strength (optimally lifting 2 tons), speed (able to sprint short distances at 60 mph), agility, stamina, and longevity. He can perform a standing broad jump of 20 feet. He can exert at peak levels for a half-hour before fatigue impaired performance. Despite his advanced years, Kraven maintains the physical age of a 30-year-old.
Lame. They gave him super strength and shit.
They gave him the things he had in the comics.
I stand corrected. It’s been awhile since I read Last Hunt.