I humbly ask your assistance, be it donations and or sharing this. I am working on a Fediverse platform that I believe can add tremendously to this place. Unfortunately, in order to bring this project to life I need funds. Please do not feel obligated, but donate out of the kindess of your heart. I know it is hard out there for many people. Please use whichever platform you feel comfortable with.

  • X3I@lemmy.x3i.tech
    1 year ago

    Okay, I see an emotional story and a set of general statements about how a fediverse platform should be like but I do not see a single sentence regarding what would be different from existing platforms. You have to be specific if you ask tech people for money, this description sounds just… hollow.

    From what I see you could just set up your own Lemmy/Kbin/Whatever server, no need for excessive funding upfront. Sorry but sounds sketchy.

  • pirate526@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Yep… need to see a Github or repo or OpenCollective or something that instils trust. If you’re asking for donations imo, it should be open source so people can see where the funds might be going (eg. Hosting).

    Asking for money expecting blind faith is… kind of rude. If you expect someone to go to the trouble of donating put in some modicum of effort in at least writing a few paragraphs on what it is you’re doing.