Sheryl Crow announced on Instagram that she is selling her Tesla and donating the proceeds to NPR, citing concerns over Elon Musk’s leadership.
NPR is under political scrutiny, with Republican lawmakers and FCC Chairman Brendan Carr launching investigations.
Crow’s move is a protest against Musk’s influence in government and Trump’s efforts to defund public media.
More Tesla owners need to follow suit. Get rid of those Swasticars.
So i should sell mine with a loss (still have a loan on it), and if I want a car with the same distance, I’ll have to take out another loan? No, thank you. I’ll stick with my FUCK ELON MUSK sticker I got made.
Sooo question. Can you leverage your car as a trade in? Or is it not worth it because you still have a loan? I’m no longer looking for a car, but there was a time where you could basically get out for about the same price you got in for
You absolutely can. It’s whether your upside down on the loan or not if it’s worth it to trade in.
I’m in a position to trade in my current vehicle for more than I bought it for, but I can’t get anything similar to it for a decent price to make it worthwhile to me.
Great question, I’ve which I cannot answer, as I honestly haven’t thought about that. However, the demand of Tesla’s are decreasing really fast here in Denmark, so I’m not sure if I could get a good deal. However, I will check it out next week! Thank you 🙂
Definitely look into it, you never know what you might be able to get for it. I worked with a girl in high school many years ago who somehow managed to trade in 3 cars in a row for more than she paid for them. She managed to pay off the loan on each one and get a better car out of the deal than the one she traded in, and it still shocks me enough that I still remember it to this day.
Unless you see the details, you might take that story with a grain of salt. While there were definitely good opportunities after pandemic messed everything up …… my brother dated a girl who did this. However after he got to know here, he figured out this “too good to be true” situation was because they rolled her previous loans into the next. Each step where she got fantastic trade ins that seemed to be a great deal, were just digging her more deeply in debt. She should have paid more attention to the overall deals, rather than just the trade in.
I’ve been seeing people advocating ruining random Teslas and it’s pissing me off. Do people think rightoids make up the majority of EV early adopters? Fucking think about it before you go off spray painting swastikas onto innocent people’s cars holy shit.
I’ve been seeing people advocating ruining random Teslas and it’s pissing me off.
All Teslas? No. But if someone’s driving a cybertruck, they know who they were buying into.
Don’t be a dick and ruin a stranger’s things just because.
Still, those early adopters weren’t the people making $45,000 a year. It’s not like they can/could afford a new $60,000 car. Anybody buying a Tesla is solidly upper middle class. And often are DINO’s politically. And they can live comfortably if they aren’t too busy trying to maintain an image.
You’re making way too many assumptions . Most of us care more about the technology than the image, chose to spend money we can barely afford to help build a market toward an EV transition, most of us can’t live comfortably if we lost our most expensive non-house purchase. And I soundly reject your Dino assumption. This kind of hatred of people based solely on a vehicle should be beneath you. Making up characteristics so you can hate someone is not ok. We can see this same logic used on the right to hate people because of their race or preferences, etc. it’s not ok
I really appreciate the fight. But please don’t put yourself in the red or anymore in the negative over Adolf Musk.
Americans shit all over Japanese cars and their drives for decades after Pearl Harbor…so, sell it or deal. I’m sorry about the stress and financial part but Emerald Elmo is not someone you want to directly support if at all possible.
I’d go right back to a Honda if they had a good EV option comparable to my Model 3 that wasn’t too expensive. My Model 3 is almost paid off, was looking forward to no longer having a payment. And their current EV options are lackluster, like most manufacturers. Instead Honda has been fucking around with Hydrogen bullshit for years and insisting it’s going to be a thing in the US just like Toyota.
I don’t give a shit about the luxury aspect and that’s 90% of the EV market. If they just made a Civic EV I’d buy one tomorrow, instead all they have is the Prologue now. And that’s actually made by GM, effectively a Chevy Blazer that’s badged as a Honda.
I liked my leaf, but that’s probably a rough decrease in range from a model 3
The day after Musks nazi salute I saw a MY with blue tape over the logos, lol.
If you have a sticker, I’m cool with you. And I say some nasty shit about Tesla owners.
I’ve never seen a sticker in my town. I give them all dirty fucking looks. Fuck those people. I’ve stopped letting them in during traffic… And I let EVERYONE in.
You are just unpleasant
Edit: im affairs that I’m not clear enough.
For someone that hates Enon musk so much, you are acting just like him.
You are jumping to conclusions because of the car they drive. One that like it or not helps the environment and has tangible benefits for all of us by using it
You know absolutely nothing about the people you are making uncomfortable. That you are bullying. You are making the roads around you less safe by your childish and petty bullshit.
Congratulations, you are no better than Elon, you just have a much smaller bank account.
Good job on being an unpleasant member of your community.
Good job making it that much harder to convince musk deniers how shitty he is.
Good job making it harder to get good results because you’re actions are just as idiotic as anything Elon has thought of
You are unpleasant
I just hope you realize how spineless that comes off to some people.
“I will criticize but I WILL NOT be inconvenienced!” lol
Make them fear it. If they don’t sell now, the price will drop from the others who will and they won’t earn as much later.
Why though? Is the buffoon going to magically lose money when you sell your car?
This won’t hurt his billionaire ass at all, just the poor schmuck that owns the car
Its one less tesla someone else is buying fron them. Flood the market with preownes teslas
This will hurt regular people a lot not that it so every hurt him.
Hes saying if someone buys a used tesla thats money not spent on a new one
Yes. And I’m saying that’s going to hurt regular people more.
A much better suggestion is to stop buying new Teslas. Let the current owners drive them in peace instead of hurting them
That people even have to try and justify ownership of existing Tesla shows that situation has gotten to a state where potential buyers are less likely to get them.
Stocks are based on future sales projections and a brand going toxic is not a great situation. A car suddenly turning from a regular vehicle to one that is now turning into political affiliation is not great for the average person who “wants to stay out of politics.”
I’m not sure Tesla stock follows normal trends. It’s price doesn’t seem to be that influenced on sales performance
Yeah, he already got the money for the car.
Her used Tesla is now competing against Musk for the next Tesla customer. And if too many people sell Teslas, the resale value drops which makes new Teslas even less attractive.
So he got her money, but she may have stopped him from getting someone else’s money.
deleted by creator
“Swasticars” 😭
Are you going to help me and others pay for a new vehicle them?
Nice to say but not all of us have the cash to just buy a new vehicle for political protest.
political protest.
You say potato, I say “not visually signaling support for a guy who gives nazi salutes, provides monetary aid to literal nazis, and is currently engaged in an active attempt to permanently end democracy in the US”.
Spoken like a Internet blowhard.
How long ago did you buy? Still enough Musk fanboys that either don’t care that he is a Nazi or support it. Likely able to sell it and buy an objectively better vehicle, if it is an actual concern.
I bought mine 2018 but I’m not going to be selling a perfectly working car, putting my family into more unnecessary debt right when inflation and stupid tariffs are knocking on our doors just to do absolutely nothing but some performative protest to appease a bunch of people on the Internet.
I bet most families that have bought Teslas are going to be doing the same, average people aren’t going to be just selling their cars for a protest, putting themselves into more financial strain.
But you do you Internet, I do wonder how many of those will actually put their money where their fingertips are, especially with all of these other companies who are kowtowing to this fascist administration.
Fair enough. That’s long enough of ownership that resale would likely be impacted. Getting into debt at this juncture would indeed not be recommended.
Word. I donated to my local NPR stations. Will do so again.
Fuck musk. Fuck trump. Fuck the republican traitor filth.
Great idea. Think I’ll donate to the local NPR now. BRB
Kick ass.
And delete xitter. Might want to think about getting off Instagram, too. Cuckerberg is no better.
Cuckerberg is a new one. I call him fuckerberg.
I’ve hated him for 10 years now. If it weren’t for their VR headsets I would delete it entirely.
Their vr headsets fucked the vr market and killed it in the name of short term profit. Great for the user to get a cheap headset. Bad for devs cause you have a mobile phone with head strap you somehow need to optimize your games to and submit to their walled garden bs.
Fuckerburg sounds too metal and hardcore for him.
Cuckerberg is no better
Really? Musk is busy right now purging minorities from government agencies. What exactly did Zuck did that makes it “no better” than that?
I agree, he’s not driving it like Musk, so not as bad, he’s just following the new government direction. He’s just a spineless sycophant, and he would switch opinions as soon as the government would change. Still, his changes to the meta apps have an even worse impact than Xitter, because those apps are actually used by a large part of the global population. DOGE’s impact of course is worse though.
He purged millions of minority votes too
Who would buy a Tesla now, especially a used one.
For the MAGA heads who still like Musk, a Tesla does not roll coal enough. For those who would buy an EV, Tesla is a burned brand.
This binary view is neat and tidy but wrong. There are a lot of enthusiasts for whom a Tesla is still a desirable car both for capabilities as well as status. I would not be surprised to see its sales keep dropping, but reports of its death are all gonna be premature.
As far as a used Tesla, once we agree that a market for Teslas still exists, then that’s all dependent on the price.
Partly true. Demand will persist but had already changed drastically. EV/fast car enthusiast niche now has much more exciting alternatives, like used porsche macans or BMW i4s. The people who don’t care what they drive as long as its cheap is the future market of Tesla, and they’ll easily survive the drop in their profit margins. After all, the Model 3/Y were designed to be <$30K cars (AFAIR they cost like $23K to make?!).
The first signs of Musk being a bit fraudulent is how he marketed “full self-driving” in the meantime, the transition to “vision-only” (i.e., removal of ultrasonic sensors) really sealed the fate of FSD but is also totally on brand for musk: the willingness to compromise safety further by removing sensor redundancy to maximize profits.
I know people like to harp on the self-driving promises, but the technology not fraud at all, except for the promises of how soon it will be self-driving. The early adopters especially must feel taken advantage of, paying for lifetime self driving that was only for as long as they owned the car and never appeared.
Anyhow, I still think it’s a valid approach to attempt. We don’t know what approach will succeed until one does, and Teslas approach does have advantages. Cameras are cheap sensors now, that can easily blend as part of a car, and humans do succeed in driving based only on sight. Now it’s a software problem - will we be able to create an ai that can drive? I don’t know, but I don’t see other approaches doing any better, and that’s with much more expensive and ugly hardware.
Until someone succeeds in creating a self-driving vehicle, I’m encouraged that we’re not all jumping into the same hole that may or may not succeed. Let them try something different, and we have a better chance of something working
We couldn’t disagree more.:D
I know people like to harp on the self-driving promises…
“FSD” almost got me into a major accident. It had a tendency to ride in cars’ blind spots and when someone cut me off I didn’t only make an evasive maneuver but also fight “FSD” which locked the steering and did not brake.
…the technology not fraud at all, except for the promises of how soon it will be self-driving.
So the “idea of the technology” is not fraud, only the presentation, the selling, and the delivery of it. So like everything that is currently available:D
Cameras are cheap sensors now
You know what else are cheap sensors. Actual sensors. FFS they had a >$20K profit margin on each car but they saved $100 on sensors
and humans do succeed in driving based only on sight.
This is so disturbingly incorrect. We rely a LOT on our hearing, our vibration sense, our proprioception too. Have you tried driving with earplugs? It’s pretty dangerous
Now it’s a software problem - will we be able to create an ai that can drive?
It’s a safety issue. For any safety-critical system you apply redundancy.
I don’t know, but I don’t see other approaches doing any better, and that’s with much more expensive and ugly hardware.
Mercedes and GM have much better autonomous driving systems than Tesla, they just don’t market it as “”“FULL self-driving”“”. The fact that you’re unaware shows how incredibly effective tesla’s misleading marketing had been.
we’re not all jumping into the same hole that may or may not succeed.
It will succeed, but eliminating safety measures in half-baked technology will claim lives. And nowhere did I say self-driving can’t work, I’m saying that it won’t work within the product’s lifetime and eliminating redundant sensor data will make the process a lot more unsafe.
Let them try something different, and we have a better chance of something working
Again other companies are already ahead of tesla without the bullshitting involved.
Hmmm not sure, demnd has already dropped dramatically. As I understand it, vurrent sales levels would desimate the company, let alobe justify the hyper inflated stock
Any further drop in sales will just accelerte the crash
If it was within my budget I would buy a used Tesla. They’re pretty decent cars. The idea that your car should communicate your values or identity is Bourgeois ideology that I fully reject.
When you look at the number of recalls they are doing, I wonder where your “pretty decent” rating comes from.
Idk I haven’t been paying much attention I’ve only heard about the cyber truck specifically having issues
The idea that your car should communicate your values or identity is Bourgeois ideology that I fully reject.
There’s a huge difference between just giving in to Amazon’s convienience and using their platform, compared to supporting a company whose CEO is a literal nazi… HUGE difference
That’s not to say that buying from Amazon is anyway ethical, but at least they aren’t literal nazis
I mean I was talking about a used car sale, which doesn’t financially contribute to the company. It bothers me that people object to simply owning a Tesla (not buying) to the point that they feel like they have to get rid of one they already have. This mentality speaks to a sickness of identity which ties ones indicators of belonging to a commercial brand. I am not even talking about consumer choices like whether to shop at Amazon. I am talking about publicly visible choices like clothing, cars, watches. To suggest that these should communicate ones political alignment or disalignment is to buy into the idea of brand as identity.
While I mostly agree, if you’re a wealthy celebrity, whose image is critical to your success, then yes. Make a statement.
My vehicle is what I found compelling at the time, regardless of the failings of the ceo. I have no public image to maintain, nor wealth to switch vehicles on Twitter time. I also don’t see why I should have to switch based on someone else’s protest. My vehicle is what it is, and I do really like it
Are they decent? They have a high failure rate and as a used vehicle you’re likely going to need to drop 20k to replace the dying battery.
I don’t know, that might be true. Certainly at some price it becomes a good deal.
Within the budget of a used Tesla Model 3 are a lot of better cars. Jaguar I-Pace, Mustang Mach-E, Hyundai EV5, etc. pp.
I guess it depends on how much used Tesla are going for. If enough people want to get rid of them the price should keep falling.
Maybe, but who are you to mandate someone else’s choices? Each is a set of pros and cons, and different ones will resonate with different people. There is no objective better for a subjective choice. I could go down a list of places those other choices lag, and I’m sure you’ll dismiss them as unimportant. It’s fine that you find them unimportant but what gives you the right to dictate to anyone else?
Maybe, but who are you to mandate someone else’s choices?
Please point out the section where I did.
I could go down a list of places those other choices lag,
Please do, that’s relevant info for people currently seeking to buy an EV.
It’s fine that you find them unimportant but what gives you the right to dictate to anyone else?
99% of your text is you discussing against something I never wrote - Textbook straw man.
I used to want a Tesla so bad. Now it just doesn’t seem right.
Now, every time I see a tesla, I assume it’s a white supremacist driving it.
I regularly see the same three on the motorway, I appreciate selling a car has costs, but owning one of them also has costs.
What do you think when you see cars from VW, Benz, BMW, Ford (especially considering Henry Ford’s anti-Semitic views), GM (Opel), Fiat, or when you notice tires from Goodyear, Firestone, or Pirelli?
It’s worth noting that many big Japanese companies like Honda, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Yokohama, and Datsun (Nissan) also supported Imperial Japan during the war.
All of these companies had some level of involvement with the Nazis or the Axis powers in World War II.
As for Tesla, many owners bought their cars before all the controversies surrounding Elon Musk became mainstream. I get the criticism directed at him, and as a Tesla owner myself (I bought mine used before things got really wild), I’ve even thought about removing the Tesla logo from my car.
I’m just not sure if that viewpoint is entirely fair.
It’s funny how successful elon musk has been in conning liberals.
Want mine…? 😞
The other car companies have pretty much caught up now anyway
They haven’t. In the USA. Unless you call the ICCU fiasco catching up, or the lame Mach-E charging curve. Not a Tesla fanboy but in the US if you live in the suburbs and have a long commute, and buy used, Tesla is really the only used option with any inventory that meets this use case.
The hacking scene just doesn’t feel mature enough yet for it to outweigh the virtues it sends.
Same… In the early 2010’s they seemed like a dream.
Today, if I got one for free I’d sell it. If I couldn’t sell it, I’d set it on fire. I don’t consort with Nazi’s.
In the early 2010s*
What makes Rivian objectionable? I’m not arguing - I’m genuinely ignorant of any issue, at least morally or politically, with them.
You uh gonna say anything here about volkswagen?
Same but when the time came for a new car a couple years back and despite preferring a sedan, my partner and I decided to go with another manufacturer. At the time, Musk was still a POS but it was more because Tesla’s QA was questionable. Now that Musk is a full blown Nazi it gives me an excuse to swear off any company he profits from.
But if I had a house, I’d be saving up for a Rivian right now. Theyre much more inline with what I want as a product.
Sold my Tesla and don’t miss it at all. I can’t imagine still driving it now. Just wish I never purchased it in the first place but I honestly didn’t know what I was supporting at the time.
Yeah what did you replace it with? Are you back to birding Fossil fuels and fucking the planet just to say fuck you elon? Pretty counter productive if you did.
I started taking the city bus…… But thank you for your consideration.
F elon
The ‘human’ milk bag.
I always liked her, now I know why.
It’s sad because there are a lot of good people who work at Tesla. Elon is going to end up putting them all out of work at this rate.
Elon’s putting a lot more people than that out of work.
Part of his drive into politics is because of so number of lawsuits against him about working conditions.
But he’ll put many more people out of work than just work for Tesla. Just USAID he’s out basically 10k people out of work domestically, who knows how many thousands of people overseas.
Just USAID he’s out basically 10k people out of work domestically,
This is sure to increase Americans’ wages. Right? Right???
Brb, going to check egg prices
Its been known for a while Musk is an absolute piece of shit
Even before Elon went crazy I thought it was publicly known it was a terrible place to work for with bad work life balance, and people worked at to get on their resume then move on to another company.
One of my engineer coworkers just got a job at SpaceX for more money. He hated his old job at our company (99% paperwork). And everybody still feels sorry for him!
Of all the people who lost or will lose their job because of Musk, those who actively chose to work for him are not on the top of my sympathy list. Not to say that they are not on that list, but they are very close to the bottom.
There’s 9 people sitting at a table, a nazi joins them. Now there’s 10 nazis at the table.
That they’re “good people” might have been true. But if when the situation changes, and you don’t act, then you’re complicit. Good people would have quit, even at a loss.
Never a good idea to partner with nazis over the long term.
I wouldn’t want a Tesla even if someone gave me one for free.
I wouldn’t get a tesla at any price because I’m now stuck in a tesla ecosystem just like apple users are by and large stuck in the apple ecosystem.
I would take it, and then set it on fire in a public place.
Yeah, but what will impress Jodie Foster?
I don’t think the answer is safe to say
I mean Hinckley is out of jail now maybe he could try and win her affections again?
If it makes you happy…
I just want an electric car :( but the Tesla’s are too expensive.
I might end up buying Chinese cars
domestically you can get a base 2025 chevy ev blazer for around $27k while the ev rebate lasts. 300+ mile range with decent fast charging. I was really looking forward to getting one in the next 2-3 years but then dondi mcshytegibbon got elected and is killing not just the ev tax credit but the grant money to build out a dc fast charging infrastructure too. I might have to look at the plugin hybrid market instead when I really want to go fully electric.
Domestically? But my country does not make cars :(
Where I’m from it’s stupid to make your primary vehicle 2WD. Too bad.
Do they not plow snow in Canada or what’s up?
We get a lot of snow (and ice) in Estonia too, but so far nobody I know has had problems because of 2WD. Except those living in the countryside if you get like half a meter of snow overnight and have to get through it somehow without plowing it first. But then you’re better off owning a tractor or having good relations with your tractor-owning neighbor.
It helps that winter tires are mandatory and studded winter tires are allowed between about October and April.
I live in a city in Canada where it’s too cold to snow a lot of the time and I agree with you that winter tires make a huge difference, but I love my AWD when there’s a big dump of snow or big ruts in the road. Guess it depends how well your roads are maintained.
Also extra non sequitur: have you played Disco Elysium? It’s made by some people from Estonia and it’s probably the best game I’ve ever played in my life.
Oh I love AWD too, but for the first several years of my driving career, I had FWD and RWD cars, never had any trouble even if roads were unplowed, unless there really was a freak snowstorm. Thing is, all roads get plowed here eventually, so it’s not like you’re going to have to drive through a week’s worth of snowfall. It’s one or two days at most.
On a daily basis, the most useful thing about AWD, really, is the ability to accelerate away much faster than everyone else when the light goes green. Then you won’t have tailgaters for a while. The most fun thing, however, is that drifting is somehow really different from RWD drifting.
As for Disco Elysium: I haven’t played it. I really wanted to play it, but I didn’t feel like pirating it and was broke when it came out. Working a dead-end job, etc. Now that the original creators have been driven out of the company, I don’t feel like paying for it, so I might pirate it after all, but now I have so little free time I still haven’t finished my first playthrough of Baldur’s Gate 3, which I started in August 2023.
I think I’ll download it, install it, start it up once just to see what it’s like, and then play it in a few months when I have more free time again. Might have to finally get a Steam Deck so I could play it in bed, as I already sit behind my computer screen for some 12-14 hours a day.
If you’re into Disco Elysium, you’ll be delighted to hear that executive producer Kaur Kender is a downright controversial figure. Started up writing really explicit and vulgar novels - controversial in their own right, but I don’t think he got in any legal trouble for that. It was just crime novels with sex scenes, detailed violence (IIRC), etc. But things got really heated when he wrote a novel involving CSAM. At no point did he condone it, nor were any children hurt, but he was censored for it. This really launched him into fame or infamy. I haven’t read the book, but to quote Wikipedia: The Finnish Pen described it as a “grotesque thriller” and an important book discussing taboos central to the entertainment industry, including death, serial murder, pornography, and pedophilia.
He was also acquitted for the CP charges, on the grounds of, well, free speech and the fact that no children were harmed and there was nothing graphic.
Around this time frame you could find him rapping with a bunch of other Estonian rappers, about legalizing weed, and the effect of fentanyl on our society. Because apparently it’s almost easier to get fentanyl than weed and it’s fucking a lot of people up - something I have no experience with personally.
Books from him that you might want to read: Independence day, Comeback. But no idea if you can even find them in English at this point.
Holy shit that is all super interesting! I’m interested to know what he actually wrote, because i do find really often when people write about real experiences regarding things of that ilk, there are others with ulterior motives that use the guise of “protecting children” to quash communication of those experiences.
An example that comes to mind in North America is a lot of red states banning Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut for sexually explicit content, which if you’ve read Breakfast of Champions, you’d recognize that it’s a misrepresentation of the content of that book, and that that book deserves a far more nuanced discussion. I’m assuming this will likely be a similar situation.
As for weed, as a Canadian, hell yeah to legalization, and also as a Canadian who has lost friends to fentanyl, fuck fentanyl. You’ve totally given me a new rabbit hole to jump down, so thank you!
I live in a city and my street is not plowed, nor many side streets. Also RWD vehicles slide out when they lose traction, unlike FWD which it’s less likely.
RWD vehicles are less likely to give you understeer, however. Which is easier to cope with than oversteer, but technically harder to recover from.
Subaru has an electric vehicle if I’m not mistaken, expensive as subarus go, but likely high quality.
As far as canadian brands go, I can’t think of anything
I just had to comment and tell you I laughed really hard at “dondi mcshytegibbon”
Except then you have a Chevy.
Their EVs are pretty solid, I’ve been driving one for 5 years and its been great.
Way cheaper if you buy a used one too
How do you manage that when the base list price starts at $44k? Model 3 base price is $35k and both qualify for federal incentive, so it seems a stretch to overcome that. Are you going for one of the formerly trash ones with bad software!
There are so many companies now dumping private capital into EV fast charging. IONNA alone is expected to build out 30,000 DC fast charging stations over the next 5 years. Its funded by basically all the major automakers in N America (except Toyota of course).
Hyundais are very good EVs
POP. ICCU calling.
We bought a chevy bolt and equinox. You can pick up a used bolt these days for around $10k. Equinoxes are as low as $35k before incentives…
Starlink terminals next…