Ironically that last comment is just describing the normal behavior of people under capitalism
Yeah I chuckled at that bit, I know so many libs who used this same argument to rationalize why they adore Kamala or why they won’t show up to protests…
Not to lionize him, but Luigi was a pretty good indicator on how much of a difference a single person can make
Not to lionize him, but Luigi was a pretty good indicator on how much of a difference a single person can make
Couple caveats I’d say here: 1) Let’s not forget he’s just the person they have so far tried to pin it on. As far as I know, it’s an ongoing case, not something they’ve yet legally resolved and locked him away for. 2) The “how much difference as an individual acting alone” seems to have some relationship to how much a person is willing to risk, which sometimes relates to how little they have to lose. Whoever did do it, it could have gone very badly for them and still may be going very badly. Individualism is poison against this sort of thing though, as is emptiness of cultural heritage that is common among USians and colonizer socializing; individualism says it’s all about your personal happiness, so the idea of risking everything for the betterment of most people, whether as adventurism or as part of a strategic group, can sound strange or larger than life, even though those who do it are very much just normal humans.
People in capitalism mostly aren’t allowed to die by old age though.
This entire thread feels sarcastic, but liberals are just so obnoxiously on the nose about everything.
Nothing makes me laugh more than westerners comparing fictional dystopias to real countries they have never been within a thousand miles of with their characteristic misplaced confidence.
It is one if the best novels… If you haven’t read any other novels