A hand mixer with several attachments. The dough hooks are great for stirring jars of peanut butter.
A new computer with a 4080 mainly to play Monster Hunter Wilds since it wouldn’t be able to be played on my Steam Deck like Rise was. It was such a great investment because I didn’t realize just how amazing being able to play games I could barely run on deck on ultra everything at a high fps would be. I’m very very happy :D
Same! My old laptop couldn’t run the Wilds beta. It’s so nice to have a quiet PC for gaming now playing everything on ultra! I went with a 4070ti super. I’m playing hunting horn for the first time. So much fun!
Hell yeah I was a hunting horn main in rise. Awesome as fuck weapon imo
Partner’s family is visiting. Took them out to eat at a steakhouse. The good one closed and the one we went to was underwhelming. Hoping to take them some place better before they leave.
They’re lucky to have you!
A new hunting rifle, my coworker invited me up north for a hunting trip. In my state you can only use certain gun calibers in the area I hunt at, but up north you can use longer range bullets. I’ve been wanting to get into long range shooting for a while but could never commit. I debated for a while and finally bit the bullet and got a ruger with a nice scope, got to take it to a 300 yard range and oh boy that was a lot of fun ringing 8 inch steel gongs from that distance. Didn’t get a deer though but I’m happy with my purchase.
3dconnexion space mouse. A bit indulgent for a single-purpose peripheral, but a huge quality of life improvement in navigating 3d models.
My work provides these for designers and I love it. I’ve been using it everyday for 5 years, I will admit it has become a crutch and I feel useless if I’m working from home and I forgot it at the office. Don’t sleep on the hot keys either, sometimes they are program specific and sometimes they are operation specific with the program itself. I.E. I use inventor for 3D design and the assembly, part, and sketch tabs all have different hot key menus.
22TB drive for my NAS.
A king bed so my dog’s have more room to sprawl out. (I’m still struggling to have any space)
Just to warn you, dogs will immediately sprawl to occupy any space on a bed.
We have a queen size, and back when my dog was still alive, her little corgi butt took up so much space my wife would sometimes fall off when she’d turn over. I’m not joking, it actually happened.
My puppy can cover the whole bed diagonally, she is all legs. The theory is that she is a Border Collie/ Great Dane. My pitbull could serve as an anchor for a cruise ship. The two of them make it hard to get any room. And the want to cuddle so the keep shifting towards us until we’re both falling off our sides.
A knife!
I’ve stopped collecting, so it’s rare for me to buy anything, and never pricey.
But, last year, I got lucky on an eBay listing for a brand spanking new, in box benchmade 710b, the exact knife I’ve been carrying daily since it first came out over twenty years ago.
I’d been thinking about retiring my old one entirely, and had a couple of variants of the model (including one that I also got a solid deal on a few years ago that is an updated, fancy version I carry when I want a pretty knife on me.
I triple checked all the pictures, checked against my actual knife to reduce the chances of it being a fake. Talked to the seller and got his story, and figured I had enough to take the risk.
Which, in case nobody is aware, there is a major problem with counterfeits on eBay. Never, ever buy a knife from there unless you can independently identity counterfeits of what you’re looking for. Yeah, you can usually get cheap knives there and be fine, but even the 50-100 dollar range stuff has some counterfeits. So you gotta know your shit if you try and find deals on eBay because most of them are Chinese counterfeits being drop shipped and marked up to just a little below genuine prices so they look like a good deal, but not so good it’s suspicious immediately
Anyway, at the time, when you could find a used example of this model, you’d be looking at 200 plus for anything in decent shape, way higher for mint condition, and even higher NIB.
I found a new in box, opened but totally unused for 150. Was nervous as hell until it got here, and not only was it legit, but the box was in decent shape, and had the original price sticker on it at 98 bucks (I only paid fifty for my original one, but it was lightly used when I got it). Dude had been sitting on it and some others for years and decided to set the prices roughly to what they would be in inflation adjusted amounts rather than secondary market values.
Not a huge splurge, not compared to some knives I’ve bought in the past, but the most recent one
Battletech. I’ve been getting into it the last few months and I’ve bulked up my ComStar force and bought the DLCs for MW5 Mercs for good measure 🤷♂️
Work in progress pic from a couple nights ago
My brother does warhammer minis, are those like that?
Yeah same basic idea, you’ve got a team of models against someone else’s. It’s WAY cheaper and friendly IMO though. Instead of 50-200 models on the table you’ve got like 6 max, usually 4. Big stompy robots jumping over hills, blasting each other, overheating and falling over, clubbing one another with their own leg, that sort of thing.
It’s got a lot more elements of historical wargames in practice than Warhammer.
hell yeah.
Hell yeah is right! The game is full of “hell yeah” haha. It’s got a really solid, versatile core ruleset, too, so you can play it however you want to. The lore covers a few centuries, generally speaking the later on the better the tech is and more complex the game gets. But there’s stuff like the Clan Invasion where you’ve got really asymmetrical forces (2 Inner Sphere Lances vs a Clan Star vs a ComStar Level II or whatever), or earlier during the Succession Wars where the tech level cap is pretty low and you’ve basically just got a really neat way to play chess
They also totally encourage kitbashing, proxies, 3D printing, and any other way you want to have fun with Your Dudes.
Those are cool!
Thanks! Here’s a progress pic :) ComGuard 5th Army, “Eminence Front” Level II, theoretically on Tukayyid bases
Bday dinner last Friday at a fairly new high end steakhouse. Yummo!
Virpil flight controls. I’ve been playing elite dangerous and project wingman a lot and wanted to upgrade from my ancient but reliable saitek X-52. Unfortunately, when it comes to flight sim stuff, there’s really nothing above that tier except the most ridiculous hobbyist stuff. No regrets at all though. The difference is astounding.
That said, if anyone is thinking about upgrading their setup, I can highly recommend the warbrd base. It comes with swappable cams and springs to perfectly customize the stick resistance. The software is intimidating but very easy to set up (with a guide) and once you’re updated your good to go.
Elite is the 🐐space game.
I checked out the SIM-PIT area at Microcenter. A man can dream someday.
I’ll suffer with my desk 😅.
I got a cheap chair mount for my setup because reaching up to the desk was killing my arms (especially with the stick because the base adds a solid 3 inches to stick height) and it’s a game changer. Pain in the ass to dismount when I want to scoot my chair in to play kbm games, but my God is it INCREDIBLE in vr. Doubly immersive because the setup aligns with your character’s hands, and they mirror what you do on the controls.
I bought mum a dual dash cam for her car. Viofo 129 Dual Pro. I bought some sneakers but I don’t think it’s splurging when I need them and they were cheap.
Telescope! A really, really bad telescope. I cannot recommend that you avoid cheap Celestron scopes enough. The fact that the spherical primary mirror is the best part of the scope really says something lmao
But hey, better to have a tiny dobsonian and the world’s worst equatorial mount, than to have a tiny dobsonian and no equatorial mount. Now I just got to save up for a couple years so I can spend a cool thou on a half-decent mount
Mexican food
I dropped $35 on action figures 🤓. I’m trying to cut back tho!