My sister just asked if I wanted a small cabinet. We’re RECYCLING now :D Any opinions about what should be in YOUR relax room are appreciated. Listening to (sorry there’s no Libre versione of spotify)
My home office/guest bedroom is my designated space in the home and is therefore very chill vibes. I don’t actually work from home (apart from very occasionally!) so it doesn’t have to be professional looking. The style inspiration is Selina Kyle’s apartment in Batman Returns.
My partner is more of a minimalist so I’ve decorated it in a very maximal way, with lots of photos and art on the wall, gallery style. The walls are white but the dominant colours are millennial pink, powder blue, some deep greens, etc.
I’ve shoved my desk into the closet, which has shelves that make it cozy. I’ve outlined the closet door (door removed) with a colour changing LED strip. I’ve got those obnoxious LED keyboard and mouse lol.
I’ve got a cute rug for under my desk and chair and a cute chair that actually isn’t super comfy, so I’ll probably keep an eye out for another.
I’ve got a power bar on this wheely cart that acts as the beside table for the guest bed. I can plug my portable dry herb vape in there to recharge so I always have it ready for long video game sessions. I also have a galaxy projector I keep there that is really nice for chill vibes.
The guest bed has lots of pillows on it. It’s a daybed style that pulls out to 2x twin. It’s a great place to become buried in pillows and blankets and a very nice angle to loop up at the plants especially if you are more into psychedelic vibes.
the lighting is somewhat naturally pinkish because I have lots of plant lights.
I also have a neon style (LED) pink flamingo I need to mount.
Next step for me will be to replace the shit blinds with maybe a roll down blackout blinds but I need to decide if I want to replace the window first I think. Then a combo of sheer / thick curtains to allow light in with a little privacy and keep the room warmer in the winter.
Comfortable seating, but put some thought into it :D Had bean bags for a while and what sounded comfy at first turned out to be a hassle whenever someone wanted to actually use them. Some kind of frame may have helped to keep them in shape dunno.
A small fridge for drinks and a cabinet for snacks would be a must for me. As well as entertainment (have some kind of audio system to listen to music as a minimum).
Yeah I think I’ll get some vinyls, better skip on the snacks because there is no self control on my home. I’d like to be able to try the bean bags before buying them but they don’t sell them near here. I could always get a comfortable armchair or two
Listening to (sorry there’s no Libre versione of spotify)
You should share this to !!
Any opinions about what should be in YOUR relax room are appreciated.
What helps you relax? Music? Media? A favorite beverage? A comfy chair? A device of some kind? You’ll want to work some of those into your space.
How many people will regularly use the space? If it’s mostly a spot for you then things can be very personally tailored. If you’re going to share the space regularly or invite others from time to time you might want to go for a more general type of chill.
Music/Books, I’d like to skip on electronics for now. Plants for the atmosphere, I’d mostly use it myself I think
Check out secondhand stores for vintage stuff on the cheap to get the vibe you want. Old records that aren’t suitable for playing can make great display pieces. I’ve seen complete sets of Encyclopedia Britannica for under $10. Could be a sweet look on a shelf and something entertaining to thumb through while high. There’s all kinds of surprises for whatever you might be interested in if you look in the dusty corners of shops.
Plants for the atmosphere
Plants can make a space feel cozy for sure. Low maintenance plants with suitable lighting demands are probably your best bet for a space like that. Even artificial plants can set off a room if you’d rather not add chores to your weed spot.