• TheOubliette@lemmy.ml
    10 days ago

    It’s the opposite, actually.

    The people who talk about “tax the rich” or the New Deal don’t actually do anything, they are armchair activists who have no real idea of how they would ever accomplish this outside of pretending the Democratic Party, which constantly opposes them and crushes such ideas, is the vehiclr, and the way to make it happen is complaining on the internet.

    Communists know that actually addressing our collective problems is a much more difficult task, nothing less than the overthrow of capitalism, something that would need to survive attempts at cooption by liberal power structures like the aforementioned party. So we build from the ground up, educating one another and developing practice so that we can balance growth, education, and having impact through actions. We go to the meetings, we run the meetings, we teach one another, we organize the protests and marches, we build the strategic mutual aid events, we embed with workers’ spaces and unions, we embed with and build from within the marginalized so as to be of them. Communist organizing is adding a part-time job on top of your other obligations.

    • Dagwood222@lemm.ee
      10 days ago

      Yes, we should definitely not have something like Sweden or the old New Deal. We should let children grow up in poverty, let old people suffer, and let the planet burn while we sit around discussing Trotsky and the Second International in hopes that the revolution will come.

      iirc de La Cruz got less than 100,000 votes.

      • TheOubliette@lemmy.ml
        9 days ago

        Yes, we should definitely not have something like Sweden or the old New Deal.

        I think you need to refamiliarize yourself with what I said, as this is not it.

        We should let children grow up in poverty, let old people suffer, and let the planet burn while we sit around discussing Trotsky and the Second International in hopes that the revolution will come.

        I said something that is the exact opposite of sitting around, actually. Do your best to read a little more carefully before sharing opinions.

        iirc de La Cruz got less than 100,000 votes.


            • Dagwood222@lemm.ee
              9 days ago

              I do stuff offline.

              All you guys ever do is argue. Name one thing you guys have done in America in the last 50 years.

                • Dagwood222@lemm.ee
                  9 days ago


                  You mean the tiny group that served some free meals in a few cities and got wiped out by the police?

                  The one that had a leader [Eldrige Cleaver] who considered rape as a political act?

                  Meanwhile Obama’s ACA gave health coverage to 45 million people.

                  I’ll stick with the people who actually get things done.

                  • TheOubliette@lemmy.ml
                    9 days ago

                    You mean the tiny group that served some free meals in a few cities and got wiped out by the police?

                    I mean the communists that organized within black communities, fed children, protected their communities from racist cops, and did so well enough that they were targeted not just by the local police but by the FBI and other parts of the “national security” apparatus, including Reagan. Their former members are still often active and passing down valuable lessons to young people just learning, which you could also be if you learned to have some humility and honesty.

                    Note how far we have drifted from the things I’ve actually said, as you do not have actual convictions you can defend, just lazy reactionary talking points to help you avoid thinking challenging thoughts.

                    The one that had a leader [Eldrige Cleaver] who considered rape as a political act?

                    Rape can very much be a political act. US soldiers doing so systematically in Vietnam, for example.

                    But every political formation will have individuals with wrong opinions or worse. And if you are organizing with the marginalized, you will be organizing with ex-cons. I’m not sure what you think is accomplished by this tidbit. Cleaver was quite open about this part of his past and renounced it.

                    Later in this comment you refer to Obama. How many children did Obama kill with a stroke of the pen and a cynical line and how does this compare to the viplences of a teenage Cleaver? How much has Obama renounced and how many years did he serve in prison for the act?

                    Meanwhile Obama’s ACA gave health coverage to 45 million people.

                    The ACA is primarily an individual mandate to buy a massively overpriced product from the insurance industry. It also included a limited Medicaid expansion that was quickly eaten up by inflation and wage growth (but not real wage growth). Insurance costs still rose, just less quickly than they were otherwise expected to. This is what you consider to be a major material win? Slightly slower rates of growth in picking workers’ pockets? What an amazing gift!

                    I’ll stick with the people who actually get things done.

                    What do you mean stick with? What part do you play in any of that? The ACA was a response to uncontrolled spiraling of healthcare costs that, among other things, make US workers entirely uncompetitive and only serves to create debt. The ACA was a Republican plan that forces people to buy companies’ products. You are not the force at work here and you are not on any team aside from the exploited.

                    Whete do you factor into any of that?