I mean, a friendship is a relationship, just not a romantic one.
I’m not just busting your balls or being pedantic, it’s a lead in to something. I definitely know what you mean.
I have to say pretty much anyone that’s been in my life long enough to merit being called a friend, I love. And not that back slapping bro love, though there is some of that too. I’m talking ride or die, would lose a piece of my soul if they weren’t in my life kinda love.
But my best friend, for a long time, we might as well have been partners. Some people thought we were. He’s an extension of me, not just a friend. Calling him brother or family doesn’t cut it. We shared our lives for over twenty years. Roommates, literally sharing the same room sometimes. Housemates the rest. When shit hit the fan and I needed to save the family home, he was right there and helped me buy it. He stood for me at my wedding, and I would have for his, but they had specific plans, and I got their home set up instead, so they could come back and have everything ready.
He knows, knows, that if he calls, I’m there, period. I’d do whatever needing doing, no hesitation. That goes both ways, and we’ve each made that call a few times.
In my mind, that’s what friendship is supposed to be, and I feel great sorrow for anyone that’s never had a friend like that.
Don’t get me wrong, I have other friends, and I don’t pretend that every friendship should, or can be like that. But I firmly believe that a real friend is as deep and true as possible, or you’re just friendly acquaintances. If a friend calls, and you hesitate before hitting the door for anything that won’t get you arrested or dead, maybe it isn’t as good a friendship as you think it is. I’m not saying that you would have to go, drop everything, every time. But if your immediate instinct when a friend is in need isn’t to be there for them, then what’s the point?
And, if you aren’t relatively confident that’s how your friends are, then maybe there needs to be a different word for people we like and hang around with in the good times, so we can save the word friend for the deep shit.
See, told you I wasn’t busting your balls.
You can’t bust what I don’t have XD
My best mate, we’re like sisters and we’re in constant contact. Longest relationship I’ve ever had!