It’s common online slang to translate english words into (nonsense) german translation. “Zuhausys” doesn’t exist as a offical word, but it is the direct translation of “homies” (Home + is/ Zuhause + is).
irl the kids would actually use “homies” over Zuhausys
(edit: haven’t seen the other explanation comments before answering, sorry 🤡)
It’s common online slang to translate english words into (nonsense) german translation. “Zuhausys” doesn’t exist as a offical word, but it is the direct translation of “homies” (Home + is/ Zuhause + is).
irl the kids would actually use “homies” over Zuhausys
(edit: haven’t seen the other explanation comments before answering, sorry 🤡)
Any explanation gives context and it all works to help me build my understanding. Danke 🙏