Blender is pretty incredible and I don’t think large swaths of people realize it yet, for example in Geology about 10ish+ years ago there was starting to be some hype around using Google sketchup to create 3d visualizations of geologic structures (just for simple visualizations it was useful, not even doing anything complicated)… and then it all kind of died out.
Fast forward to today, 3d geology modeling tools are eyewateringly expensive and unfriendly towards casual or occasional usecases… and then you got this one guy on youtube whipping up complex geologic folding structures and faults in Blender in his tutorial videos as if it was totally normal that some random bored highschooler or college student could find his video, download Blender and pretty quickly be creating really advanced visualizations that 99% of professional geologists would be utterly lost at trying to create or require a $30,000+ software license to do.
Blender is a radically powerful tool to be open source and free, I love it!